That bans the inventor to make, and is confirmed by the recent case of a Chinese scammer network: the nationwide Bitcoin Mining to circumvent the prohibition, should be captured in the province of Henan-based company, the computers of thousands of Internet cafes with Trojan Software, and then for crypto-Mining used. Thanks to the help of many accomplices, millions of profits are to be in the pockets of the masterminds walked.

By David Barkhausen
5. September 2019BTC$10.455,40 , and 0.46%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Whether in nuclear power plants, the state-subsidised mosques of Iran or in icy Siberia – Bitcoin Miner to this day to new and sometimes inventive maneuvers to get as cheap as possible or even completely without its own cost, to crypto-currencies.

In China, where Bitcoin Mining is anyway a complete ban is not busy, should have used a cheater network over the past few years, a especially ingenious Trick to mine digital Gold.

Like the local news platform, CCTV reported, is captured in the Central Chinese province of Henan-based company, the broadband connection of more than 9,000 Internet cafes and the computers for Mining used. The company is said to have received the support of a broad network of “purchased” technicians. This would have passed – without the Knowledge of the cafe owner – a Software for the remote control on the cafe Computer. Now, the mastermind of the Bitcoin-Mining have been arrested collective.

Corrupt technicians installed remote control systems in Internet cafes

In the centre of the current investigation, the as a service company, stealth company from the province’s capital, Zhengzhou is now first. According to the current Enlightenment, this is said to have used malicious software is not only designed. In addition, the company should have paid the thousands of Computer engineers to install the Trojan in the Internet cafes.

Bitcoin Mining in millions

Long has this Plan worked. According to estimates, a total of nearly 100 million Yuan (the equivalent of about 12.7 million Euro) to be flowed over the past few years in the pockets of the backers of the Bitcoin-Mining-scammer network. The amount of the kickbacks, in turn, should amount to the equivalent of nearly 2.5 million Euro.

investigators, it’s supposed to be in the large-scale fraud with a view both on the extent of involved suspects as well as the sophisticated obfuscation technology to a sometimes “unprecedented […] High-Tech crime”.

That is the sophisticated System blew up, however ultimately, this would, according to the CCTV report provided primarily anonymous tips. Already 2018 should be playing the investigators of the first warnings that the Computer and the Internet were infected cafes. Why the police did not hit, but it also leaves open the report sometimes.

The hour of the main suspects sitting in detention. The investigation should continue.

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