Franklin Templeton Investments would like to provide its shareholders with the use of the Blockchain technology for more transparency. At the same time the cost of Fund management will be reduced.

From Stefan Schäfges
5. September 2019BTC$10.455,40 , and 0.46%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

A press release from the 3. September, according to Franklin Templeton Investments is planning to use the Stellar Blockchain for a Fund.

Franklin Templeton Investments is headquartered in San Mateo, California, with assets of over 700 billion dollars to the 35 largest assets are ageing around the world. In addition, the company is listed as a Franklin Resources equity index and the S&P 500.

the SEC is examining the scheduling of Franklin Templeton

On 3. September the company has Franklin Templeton Investments, an official preliminary to advertising the prospectus for a money market Fund and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), filed. Because Franklin Templeton is planning the Fund to collect shares on the Stellar network. The Plan requires the approval of the SEC.

In the official prospectus will be listed, that the Fund “will not invest in crypto-currencies or other virtual currencies”. The Fund plans with a value of one Dollar per share. In addition, 99.5 percent of the investment in the state will be hedged securities, cash and repurchase agreements.

This is used for the Stellar network, the property of the Fund record units in a Distributed Ledger electronically.

Stellar is an open-source Protocol and network, and aims to provide a decentralized payment transactions. The company wants to make payments as easy as E-Mails. Stellar Lumens (XLM) is the corresponding crypto-currency and serves as a kind of bridge currency for cross-border payments.

the purchase of a block chain-based shares Will be as soon as possible?

Currently, Fund shares are not for purchase, sale or Transfer on Blockchain-based. In the future, the Fund Manager promises by the Blockchain technology, more transparency and lower costs. The trade is then run through an App, the asset Manager, but not on a secondary market.

block chain-based shares in the future may offer the Fund’s shareholders for more transparency and a shorter processing time.

in Addition, Franklin Templeton sees that block chain-based shares associated with its own risk and that the risk of Hacks and money losses.

According to Franklin Templeton, the project and the involvement of the Stellar network to a Test, as well as the fact that the Fund, in the Liquidation is subject to.

Not only is Franklin Templeton is concerned with the possibilities of Blockchain technology. Because, like BTC-ECHO in February had reported, got on Board two large us pension Fund with $ 40 million in a crypto venture capital funds.

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