The Bitcoin price has a rising Triangle Pattern on the hourly chart. This easy-to-bearish Sentiment is bullish divergence of the RSI on the four hour chart. Ethereum seems to have schlie0lich in the value pair of ETH/BTC bottomed out.

Of Bitwala Trading Team
12. November 2019BTC $ 8,780.97 , and 0.68%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The price of Bitcoin decreased in its since the end of October, continued downward movement under US $ 9,000. This lightweight Abwärstrend, however, should not worry about too strong A divergence in the Chart speaks of a more bullish language.

Bullishes Triangle Pattern in bitcoin hourly chart

the hourly chart on the Basis of the value pair is BTC/USD on the stock exchange Bitstamp created.

After the recent share price fall almost 5 percent of Bitcoin price is in a consolidation phase. He collects in this new strength for the next big price movement. In the hourly chart we see an upward-pointing Triangle Pattern, which speaks for a short-term further consolidation.

Bullish divergence in RSI on the four hour chart

four hours on the Basis of the value pair is BTC/USD on the stock exchange Bitstamp created.

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in the medium term, the Situation is not quite so bearish. The RSI on the four hour chart clearly shows a bullish divergence to the price development. We expect, therefore, after a slight further consolidation, in a timely manner, a new price rally.

soil formation in the case of Ethereum against Bitcoin?

daily chart on the Basis of the value pair of ETH/BTC on the exchange Binance created.

another interesting pair of ETH/BTC is out of date Chart. After the recent price gain of 10 percent compared to Bitcoin, the ground seems to be training completed. The lowest point was at the 5. September reached of 0.016 BTC. Since then, the course was able to recover by 30 per cent.

the Importance of a end-of-day on 0,024 BTC is now to overcome the existing Resistance, and to make this a stable Support.

ECB Executive Board member manages the Innovation Hub of the BIZ

Beyond the crypto-currencies is known funds and currencies dimensions of digital payment research. Recently, the ECB Executive Board member Benoit Cœure the head of an Innovation hub under the auspices of the Bank for International cooperation (BIZ) was. The BIZ has been studying currencies for some time now, Fintech, and Digital and launched the Innovation Hub with the aim of Fintech to examine developments, can help the Central banks. D

Disclaimer: The information on this page is the illustrated rate estimates do not constitute buy or sell recommendations. They are merely an assessment of the analysts.

Charts on 12. November 2019 by using trading view created.

USD/EUR exchange rate at the time of writing: € 0.91.

The market comment was written from the Bitwala Trading Team. Bitwala provides the easiest and safest way to buy Bitcoin directly from a Bank account and to sell. More info here.


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