The largest investment Bank of the South American continent, BTG Pactual, will emit a Security Token Offerings (STOs) in the future, the Tezos-Blockchain. BTG Pactual provided in terms of Security tokens already in the beginning of this year caused a stir. Finally, the company was tokenized with ReitBZ as the first Bank of the continent-real estate on the Blockchain.

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so Now Tezos. The choices for the avant-garde of the tokenized financial accounting are many and varied. Stellar lumen, Ethereum, Tezos, Tron: companies have a choice.

Now, the largest Bank in South America, BTG Pactual sets, so Tezos (XTZ) and returns to (at least partially) Primus Ethereum the back. In the future, according to a press release from the 3. July of this year, wool to emit Security tokens only to the Tezos-Blockchain. Also, the ongoing REITBZ STO migrated from Ethereum in Tezos.

The step in surprise. Finally, Tezos is ranked on Coinmarketcap only on the 21st place in the ranking of the Coins with the largest market capitalization; Ethereum is to place two. About the background of the Migration, nothing is, however, known.

before Tezos: STO Soft Cap

reached, Particularly as the first Latin American STO in the BTG Pactual, in the battered real estate sector in Brazil, wanted to invest, was a great success. Because, as the largest investment Bank in the continent has announced that could, BTG achieve your desired investment goal (Soft Cap) of at least 15 million US dollars already.

This is also a Bitcoin veteran, and Mr. “Bitcoin is likely to play-in-a 250,000-US-Dollar-to-2022” Tim Draper in the cards. Finally, the Early Adopter is a well-known stakeholders in Tezos. He is quoted as saying:

We are pleased that BTG Pactual and Dalma Capital use the Tezos-Blockchain – we believe in the Tezos project, and see a strong Use Case for a Security Token.

the aim of the STOs was cheap real estate for example, in the Brazilian metropolises Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo buy and to authorize the token. Investors can participate in the value increase of real estate without having to take a whole object into its Portfolio – a classic Use Case for a Security Token so.

Because using a Tokenization of the value of investments, fractional ownership can be mapped. Or in other words: The property rights of high-priced Assets to be dismembered in Token and investors to participate Pro rata, depending on the amount of the held Token to the return. Who wants to know more about the pros and Cons of Security Token, such as the ReitBZ that may look in our Tutorial.

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