Tether, the company that issued the most famous of all stablecoins USDT, has on 4. July 100 million USDT in circulation. In the past, similar measures with the Start of Bitcoin Bull Runs will be correlated.

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Tether creates it again and again in the headlines. It was due to a lack of liquidity, which should guarantee the value of the US Dollar coupled Stable Coin USDT, whether due to embezzlement allegations against Tether Limited and Bitfinex. However, while the U.S. Department of justice, determined to continue against the Tether, makes the New York company to perk up from where it has stopped: that is, to bring Its Stable Coin to the man (and the woman).

And, like today, on Thursday, the 4. July,, became known, more ambitious than ever. Because, as relevant Wal-alarms to report, has Tether printed against 13 o’clock local time, a total of 100 million USDT. You can view the transaction here.

Tether and the Bitcoin rates

These supply shocks were, in the past, often with subsequent price movements of the major crypto-Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple currencies are correlated. Logically, finally, USDT is considered to be a veritable Trading Instrument. Instead of US-Dollar investors to trade preferably with USDT on crypto-Exchanges, such as BitMEX, and Binance. This is faster and also more cost-effective.

How to Tether stresses, does not print the company from New York Token, however, for no reason. Each USDT must be opposed to an asset in joint Dollar par value, the company writes in his books. To Tether is to guarantee the stability of the value of one US Dollar per USDT. Consequently, the demand for the Tether is likely to have increased considerably in recent years, so the company had to emit freshness Token to comply with it.

If however, the duty Rate can be predicted in terms of an upcoming Bull Run is derived, is questionable.

before throwing market observers to the organization because of its practice of Manipulation. The evidence for a causality between USDT emissions and the BTC price increases, however, must be provided.

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