Institutional investors in Europe the possibility to participate in the crypto-market. Because the VPE Bank, Bank Frick and the F5 Crypto Capital GmbH to launch a crypto-Index certificate, which satisfies all regulatory requirements.

4. July 2019BTC$11.874,00 3.36%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

VPE WertpapierhandelsBank AG (VPE Bank) offers the professional customer a certificate on according to scientific criteria by the Index on crypto-currencies. This has the VPE Bank in a press release from the 2. July to be announced. The Bank relies on renowned partners. So they issued the certificate is not about itself, but relies on the Bank Frick in Liechtenstein. The underlying Index however is calculated by the F5 Crypto Capital GmbH.

the Bank Frick is expected to be attentive readers and readers. Already in February of this year, we reported on the Launch of institutional trading platform under the name Styxchange.

weighting on the Basis of the Momentum effect

The crypto-Index is not to reflect alone Bitcoin. Rather, the compilation of a variety of crypto, it is planned to currencies, including Ether, Ripple, Bitcoin, Cash, EOS, Stellar, IOTA and Binance Coin. Furthermore, you do not want to keep the proportions, rigidly, but according to a scientific model on a quarterly basis re-weights. The speech is from the so-called Momentum effect. This is a traditional means of the traditional financial sector, according to the Assets trend in a short period of time to continue. This effect is, according to the VPE Bank also in the crypto-sector is undetectable and can be exploited.

This could minimize the investors ‘ risk, due to crypto-Stock-Picking the wrong horse. “With the Momentum approach, which selects the on the market most in-demand currencies cyclically, we aim at a high probability to be in the best of crypto Assets in the future to invest,” says Christian Maria Kreuser, CEO of VPE.

crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and co. have developed in the past few years in a volatile environment to a future-proof Investment. Investment so far has been only to a limited extent and mainly in Single-Asset products.

Christian Maria Kreuser

For Europeans this has changed now.

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