The president of the Electoral Board of the Zone (JEZ) in Melilla, Judge Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez, has admitted that up to now no party has requested for the next general elections on July 23 that the obligation to present personally at the Post Office and prior identification of voting by mail, as was done in the municipal and regional elections on May 28 to avoid possible electoral fraud in the form of “vote buying”, but he believes that the Central Electoral Board (JEC) itself could adopt this same decision Spain without having to change the Organic Law of Electoral Regime (Loreg).

At the question of the journalists, the magistrate has admitted that “no request has yet been made in this regard and since they are different electoral processes, we would be awaiting the presentation of the candidacies, with which, formally, we still do not have any candidacy that has been presented. to the elections of the new elections”.

The person in charge of the JEZ has admitted that he hoped that for the general elections the problems caused by mail-in voting in Melilla would have been resolved, as a result of the fact that in the municipal elections the number of petitioners for mail-in voting was multiplied practically by three , the postmen carrying the documentation to the voters were robbed and a police operation was carried out that resulted in ten arrests, among them a member of the Melilla government, Mohamed Ahmed (CPM), for alleged irregularities in voting by mail.

Gutiérrez has admitted that he “hoped” for a change in the law or the rules governing voting by mail for December, the date on which the general elections were initially scheduled, but that desire was altered by the decision of the president of the Government to advance them to next April 23.

“We had the hope that this problem would be resolved by the general elections, but given the surprise in calling the new elections, it has not been possible to solve it. I had no doubt that it would be solved due to the incidents or incidents that had occurred, but unfortunately it could not have been”, the magistrate admitted.

In any case, the president of the JEZ in Melilla believes that the JEC can make the decision to require the personal presentation of the vote by mail after identification with ID, passport or driving license when delivering your envelope at the Post Office without the need for change the Loreg.

“I think that it should be the JEC that, in an interpretation of the Loreg, will correct this issue”, said the judge after recalling that in the report that they sent to the Central Electoral Board to adopt this measure in the municipal elections of Melilla on 28 May based their decision on the fact that “the general electoral organic law does not exclude the possibility that it is the voter who identifies himself in the Post Office, that is, the JEC would not carry out an interpretation against the law.”

Finally, it has clarified that the resolution in this sense that was adopted for May 28 is not automatically extendable for the general ones of July 23, so a new resolution would be necessary because the circumstances that motivated the first one, that of 28M , may be different from this second one, from 23J.