Various formations have already shown adherence or have raised their requirements to be able to come together


Sumar, the formation promoted by second vice president Yolanda Díaz, and the bulk of progressive parties face a decisive week to achieve a unity candidacy for the 23J elections, with various parties that have already shown their support for the project or have outlined their demands for the negotiation.

The electoral regulations establish that the coalitions are registered on June 9 to face the electoral advance and have the regrouping to the left of the PSOE ready, one of Díaz’s objectives with the launch of his candidacy and that he tried to show in the act of April 2 at the Magariños sports center.

Thus, the contacts extend to formations such as Podemos, IU, En Comú Podem and Alianza Verde (which are part of the current space of Unidas Podemos) and to other outside parties such as Compromís, Más Madrid-Más País, Aragonese Chunta, Drago project, Verdes Equo, Batzarre or the Movement for Dignity and Citizenship (MDyC), among others.

The second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, was optimistic last Friday regarding the negotiations she is holding with fifteen progressive formations, to proclaim that “without a doubt there will be an agreement”, making it clear that discretion is necessary for the process to bear fruit. .

In this line, the different left forces have shown their priorities for this negotiation, where aspects such as weight and positions on the electoral lists, program proposals, distribution of resources and focus of the campaign are settled.

Meanwhile, in the case of the IU, its federal coordinator and Minister of Consumption, Alberto Garzón, has insisted this Sunday that his resignation from going on the lists is the correct decision, given that the renewal of representatives in the political front line.

He has also called on the different progressive organizations to come together in Sumar, after the bad result for the left in 28M and the “magnitude of the challenge” that the electoral advance supposes, in order to combat the “reactionary wave” in Spain.

The formation, which has made clear its support and adherence to the confluence that Díaz and Sumar are trying to put together, as highlighted this Sunday by its Federal Coordinator, its highest executive body.

Meanwhile, the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) agreed that its general secretary, Enrique Santiago, be the federal reference for the United Left and the communist formation as a deputy in Congress and his determination to work within Sumar to “go out and win” the general elections, calling on “all” the left to get involved.

In the case of Podemos, the formation already stated last Monday the reactivation of contacts with Sumar, since its will is an agreement that shields the unity of the left for 23J, as stated by its leader and Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra.

Sources from the formation point out that Podemos, despite the poor result in the 28M elections, is necessary for this unity process, given that they are a nationally established formation, just like IU, which usually has better results than in appointments. autonomies, as can be seen in 2019, and that Sumar requires the power of his organization to deploy Díaz’s candidacy.

During the week, former Vice President Pablo Iglesias warned that it would be a “failure” for Díaz and all the formations if unity is not achieved and warned that this negotiation cannot be approached as a kind of “hunger games”, where aspire to impose “revenge” and “humiliation” on Podemos and its leaders.

In turn, regarding the future of the leaders of Podemos, Ione Belarra and Irene Montero, in view of their role within the project and in a future candidacy, the vice president did not go into this issue on Friday and I remark that this question should be addressed to each person.

Within the formation, the regional coordinator of Podemos Madrid, Jesús Santos, has already appealed for responsibility to be with Díaz on 23J, since “first it was the country and not the parties.”

In turn, the ‘commons’ have transferred that now it is time to be behind the vice president before the electoral advance and their leader, the mayoress of Barcelona Ada Colau, ruled out being part of the candidacy for Congress. On the other hand, the management of Equo has already agreed to come together with Sumar and Alianza Verde approved to start the negotiations, within its harmony with Sumar.

Meanwhile, another focus of the confluence resides in the weight that regional parties place in relief in order to form the candidacies for 23J in certain constituencies, based on the results of the last regional and municipal elections.

For example, the different ‘legs’ of Compromís do not want to speak publicly about names for the lists, for which the acting Councilor for Festival Culture in Valencia, Pere Fuset (Més), has already applied. Of course, the Valencian formation made it clear that they aspire to lead the lists in this autonomous community.

What they have made clear in recent days is that their objective in this negotiation is to achieve an alliance similar to the one they closed with Podemos in the 2015 general elections or with Más País in 2019, since in both cases they respected its strictly Valencian “autonomy”. “It is much more than a name,” said coalition sources about whether they will demand that Compromís appear visibly on the ballot on July 23.

In turn, the Aragonese Chunta aspires to also lead the candidacy for the general elections, in the middle of the negotiations for the confluence of Sumar.

This week, the leader of Más Madrid, Mónica García, has explained that she will help Sumar “generously” without putting “red lines”, but at the same time she made it clear that each party must “be aware” of its results in the regional elections and municipal of 28M, where his formation leads the representation of the left while Unidas Podemos was left out of the regional Assembly.