The PP is already working on its “first 100 days” agenda and designs a campaign on the street but also with events closed due to the heat


The PP led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo is preparing a “continuist” strategy and campaign for 28M before the general elections on July 23, which will once again be focused on appealing to the Popular Party for the useful vote to “repeal sanchismo” and prevent it from being ” reissue the Frankenstein Government” which, in his opinion, Pedro Sánchez intends, according to what “popular” sources have assured Europa Press. In addition, the party will once again place the economy in the foreground, given inflation and the rise in mortgages, to dismantle the “triumphalism” of the Executive.

The electoral advance has taken the PP by surprise, like the other parties, which in record time will have to prepare their candidacies for the generals and present their electoral program, which will be inspired by the framework document for regional and municipal governments coordinated by Iñigo de la Serna and Carmen Fuñez. Before 23J, Feijóo has left the programmatic coordination in the hands of his general secretary, Cuca Gamarra.

The ‘popular’ want to go back to campaigning on the street like the one on May 28, but they recognize that the high temperatures in July, especially in some regions of the south and the Levant, will force them to look for enclosed spaces with air conditioned to host the rallies.

The leader of the PP does plan to take walks through all the CCAAs of Spain, a “close” campaign that, according to the formation, has given them good results in the municipalities and that contrasts with that of the PSOE. “Politicians cannot lock themselves in their offices or shield themselves in exclusive planes, but rather they must step on the streets, talk to people and learn first-hand about their problems in order to prioritize policies and make the right decisions,” said a little more than one Feijóo week.

The ‘popular’ will also reproduce before 23J many of their municipal and regional electoral messages, such as the appeal to the useful vote to unite the center-right vote around Feijó’s PP.

Although Cs no longer stands for the generals, the ‘popular’ will make calls so that almost all the voters who opted for the oranges four years ago now trust the PP. In the same way, they will address Vox voters to warn them that concentrating the vote in the PP can evict Pedro Sánchez from the Moncloa Palace, according to sources from the formation.

In fact, at the headquarters of the ‘popular’ one of the most repeated messages these days is that Pedro Sánchez’s approach is not to win the elections on July 23 but to “reissue a Frankenstein Government” in which parties like Bildu once again have “prominence”, add sources from the national leadership.

Likewise, the PP wants to focus on the situation of the economy, with high inflation and the rise in mortgages, in the face of the “triumphalism” of the Government and will focus a good part of its speech on the need to have a “sufficient majority ” to have a “strong” government that does not depend on other parties.

“I am going to explain my government program, the proposals and call for national reconciliation and economic, institutional and social reconstruction,” he said last Thursday, to make Sánchez’s PSOE ugly “go back to the times of the Doberman” and bet by the “tension” and the “confrontation”.

For now, Feijóo has commissioned his team to work on an agenda for the “first 100 days of government” in which they will list the most immediate measures that the PP will adopt if it reaches the Moncloa Palace. The leader of the PP has also confirmed that he will repeal “the laws inspired by minorities that threaten majorities.”

The ‘popular’ have criticized that Sánchez has chosen the date of July 23 for the appointment with the polls, in full “holiday exodus”. And fearing that his electorate will demobilize, they plan to intensify their calls for participation, remembering that you can vote by mail.

Feijóo himself and his general secretary, Cuca Gamarra, have reminded him in their interventions in recent days. “Sánchez wants the Spaniards to choose between elections or vacations, we Spaniards are called, more than ever, to bet on the elections. And there are methods to be able to combine vacations with being able to vote,” the PP leader said a few days ago, underlining that “the term to request a vote by mail is now open.

On its own website, the PP has published the “instructions for voting by mail in the general elections on July 23”, detailing the steps and deadlines. Within the party’s campaign committee, deputy José Antonio Bermúdez de Castro will be in charge of mailing and voting by mail.

PP sources have indicated that between July 15 and August 15 is when more Spaniards take vacations and warn that a part of their voters will be away from their habitual residence as they have “a socioeconomic profile that is not in the cities” .