“That question is for each person,” says the vice president who is optimistic in the negotiation for a unit candidacy


The second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, has transferred her support and thanks to the leader of the IU, Alberto Garzón, and to the mayoress of Barcelona, ??Ada Colau, who have ruled out running in the general elections, and has “joined”. And regarding what attitude she expects from the leaders of Podemos, she has simply indicated that this question should be asked of them.

On the other hand, he has stated that he is “optimistic” about the negotiation with fifteen progressive formations (including the current parties of Unidas Podemos and other formations such as Compromís) to form a unity candidacy for 23J, proclaiming that there will be an agreement “without a doubt”.

This was stated in statements to the media, prior to the ‘Women Leaders of the Social Economy’ event, and asked about Garzón’s decision, her reflection that the entry of “new faces” should be encouraged and what she thinks what the leaders of Podemos, Ione Belarra and Irene Montero, will do, or if the position on the list of the head of Equality is a stumbling block.

Díaz has simply said that he is not going to reveal anything about the negotiations between the various political formations, since the agreements come out with discretion, and immediately afterwards he wanted to thank the attitude of Colau and Garzón, who rule out running in the general elections but that ” they keep adding up.” “This question (about the leaders of Podemos) must be asked to each one of the people,” he pointed out.

The head of Labor has recounted the case of Garzón who has known him well for many years, is a “great economist” and thanks him for his “good work, know-how and enormous generosity.”

“You have to know how to be in the places and Alberto (Garzón) has always been in the places”, Díaz emphasized to proclaim that the IU leader “does not leave, he stays”, stressing that, for example, he is already collaborating within the team of economists from Sumar.

On the other hand, he stressed that Sumar is a citizen movement, which has taken a “step forward” to transmit “hope” and proposals for the future of the country.

“We are going to continue working for the good of Spain and they will find me here, adding and of course enthusiastic that I would like to confront political projects”, the vice president stressed to ensure that “they know how to manage and do it better than the right”.

In this sense, he has cited the figures for unemployment and affiliation to Social Security, the impact of the labor reform or the increase in the interprofessional minimum wage, compared to others –in reference to the PP– who, in his opinion, make “politicking” and they should “rectify” after their refusal, for example, to support the labor reform.