The Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations, José Luis Escrivá, celebrated this Friday the “extraordinary” Social Security affiliation data for the month of May, which have led the system to a new record of employed persons of more than 20, 8 million average affiliates.

Escrivá, in statements to TVE collected by Europa Press, believes that “in the coming months”, specifically in “June or July”, 21 million contributors to the Social Security system will be reached.

“A year ago we were talking aspirationally about reaching 20 million. It is that since the pandemic began, since before the pandemic, we have created 1.3 million jobs. With a pandemic, a war in Ukraine, the rise in prices energy prices, that is, the capacity that we have developed for the resilience and shock absorption of the Spanish economy is unparalleled and in the end the result is the most tangible, more jobs and better jobs for Spaniards”, he underlined.

The minister highlighted that during the first five months of the year almost 470,000 more jobs have been created, a record figure for this period. “Never has so much employment been created in Spain in five months,” assured Escrivá, who also highlighted the record for female employment, with 9.8 million employed.

“We are about to reach 10 million women. There have never been so many women employed and, in relative terms, so many women in relation to men,” she pointed out.

Escrivá has also emphasized that the dynamism of the labor market and the creation of jobs is also “of the highest quality”, since one in four of the jobs that have been created since the pandemic began are in high-tech sectors. .

At the same time, he stressed that temporary employment is being reduced “enormously”, especially among young people, since now four out of five young people under the age of 30 have a permanent contract.

For the minister, the impact that the labor reform is having and “the radical change” that it is producing in the labor market is evident, with “many more, better, stable, and quality jobs.” “I believe that these data are indisputable,” he concluded.