The second vice president and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, has urged the employers to reach an “immediate and imminent” agreement with the unions to raise wages, something that she has considered “essential”.

In statements to the press before the start of the May Day demonstration in Madrid, Díaz reiterated that the employers “have to rise to the occasion, they have to sit down and tell the workers that they are going to raise their wages.” , since “with 1,500 euros a month you cannot live with dignity”.

The arrival of this May 1st announces the end of the term that the unions gave to the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE) to reach an agreement on the V AENC.

The head of Labor has stressed that “the Government has fulfilled its duties”, but now it is time for “employers in Spain to also comply with their obligations”.

Along these lines, Díaz has confessed that despite the criticism he has received from the unions, “they were right because it is essential to raise wages in Spain.”

In addition, the Minister of Labor has called for a reduction in the working day, since the Spanish “need free time, to live with dignity.”

For this reason, Díaz has affirmed that “shortly” the Government is going to present “the report, on which experts have been working for more than a year, on the law of the uses of time, which together with dignified wages”, will allow him to tell to the workers of Spain “that the time has come to talk about free time”.