The Confederal Parliamentary Group United We Can has registered in the Congress of Deputies a non-law proposal, which will be debated and voted on this Wednesday in the Education and Vocational Training Commission, for which it urges the Government to promote, prior agreement with the educational administrations , access to learning the official languages ??through the guaranteed offer in the Official Language Schools.

Precisely, the training initiative, collected by Europa Press, proposes that, in the case of their own languages ??other than Spanish (Catalan, Galician and Basque), and also with prior agreement with the educational administrations, open enrollment in the Official Schools of Languages ??and “guarantee the courses based on a minimum number of students”.

The Parliamentary Group of United We Can recalled that, according to data from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training corresponding to the 2018-2019 academic year, there are 449 Official Language Schools in Spain, counting their different extensions and sections. For that course there had been a total of 250,902 enrollments in English, some 53,000 in French and more than 32,000 students enrolled in German.

For training, the motivation to learn other official and State languages ??other than Spanish “may be determined, to a greater or lesser extent, by causes of cultural enrichment and sensitivity towards other territories, on the one hand, or by causes arising from the labor mobility”.

“If only twelve schools in all of Spain offer the learning of official languages ??other than Spanish without belonging to a territory with double officiality, their promotion is not well reflected in reality, even if a law dictates it,” the group warned. parliamentary.

He has also made reference to the study of other languages ??with cultural and social interest and “recognized as their own languages” of their autonomous communities in accordance with the respective statutes of autonomy, a framework in which, in his opinion, “they fit, until its official status, Asturian or Aragonese”.

Beyond learning another official language “for pleasure, sensitivity or cultural concern”, the Grupo Confederal Unidas Podemos highlights that “mobility in terms of job occupation can also be a determining factor for the demand for learning”.

“The approach to other cultural realities entails a guarantee of empathy and richness that citizens know how to value, and must also be reflected in the access to learning all the languages ??of our country, whether official or our own,” he concludes. the text registered in the Lower House and signed by the deputies Joan Mena Arca and Sofía Fernández Castañón.