On the other hand, the Government, the three presidents of the PSOE, Juanma Moreno, Rueda and other leaders of the PP have announced their absence


The president of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and five other autonomous ‘barons’ of the PP will show this Monday in the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities of the Senate their rejection of the amnesty law proposal that is currently being processed in the Upper House, in a forum in which the only regional leader who will defend this norm will be the Catalan president, Pere Aragonès.

Those of Alberto Núñez Feijóo used their absolute majority in the Senate to call a new meeting of this commission, which will also approve a report against the amnesty, with the aim of having the regional presidents parade through the Upper House again to talk about the amnesty

However, the only ‘barons’ of the PP who have confirmed their presence are Isabel Díaz Ayuso (Madrid); Alfonso Fernández Mañueco (Castilla y León); Jorge Azcón (Aragon); Fernando López Miras (Murcia); Carlos Mazón (Valencian Community) and María Guardiola (Extremadura).

On the other hand, the ‘popular’ regional presidents who will miss this event will be Juanma Moreno (Andalusia); Alfonso Rueda (Galicia); María José Sáenz de Buruaga (Cantabria); Marga Prohens (Balearic Islands) and Gonzalo Capellán (La Rioja). Of course, these regional governments have delegated their presence to their advisors. In the case of the Canary Islands, which is governed by the CC and PP coalition, a ‘popular’ councilor will be present.

The only regional president in charge of defending the amnesty in this forum will be Aragonès, who, unlike what he did in the previous meeting, on this occasion he will stay to listen to the rest of the PP presidents, although the agenda does not will allow for cross-debates at this summit.

In the previous Senate Commission in which Aragonès was, in the month of October, the Catalan president made his intervention and left when it was finished, without staying to listen to the rest of the regional leaders. For his part, Ayuso arrived with the commission started and did not listen to the Catalan president either.

On this occasion, the ERC candidate for the next Catalan elections on May 12 will stay to listen to the rest of the regional presidents who will be at this meeting.

Aragonès will be the only one who will defend the amnesty since neither the Government nor the regional presidents of the PSOE will be present at this appointment in the Senate.

Moncloa delegated the presence or absence of this forum to the Ministry of Territorial Policy headed by Ángel Víctor Torres, since it is the department in charge of relations with the autonomous communities. And ministerial sources have explained to Europa Press that they have not received an invitation and that, therefore, Minister Torres has not been summoned.

Nor will any of the three socialist regional presidents – Emiliano García-Page (Castilla-La Mancha), Adrián Barbón (Asturias) and María Chivite (Navarra) – be on this Senate committee, who have justified their absence by denouncing a “use partisan” of the Senate by the PP.

That is, the only representative of the PSOE in this Commission of Autonomous Communities will be the spokesperson for the Socialists in the Senate and leader of the party in Andalusia, Juan Espadas, who will be in charge of defending the position of the formation on the proposed law of amnesty.

The Commission’s agenda establishes that the first to intervene would be the Government and then the Lehendakari, but since both have declined to attend, it leaves the opening of the session to the Catalan president Pere Aragonés.

The interventions of the regional presidents are set in order of approval of the Statutes of Autonomy and each regional leader has a maximum period of ten minutes to make their presentation on the platform.

In this way, after Aragonès the vice president of the Xunta de Galicia, Diego Calvo, will speak – in this order -; the representative of the Junta de Andalucía; the representative of the Government of Cantabria; a counselor of the Executive of La Rioja; the Murcian president, Fernando López Miras; the president of the Valencian Community, Carlos Mazón; the president of Aragon, Jorge Azcón; the Minister of Education of the Canary Islands, Poli Suárez; the president of Extremadura, María Guardiola; the counselor of the Presidency of the Balearic Islands, Antonia Maria Estarellas; the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and the president of Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco.

And after these, the senators by autonomous designation who have decided to speak will take the floor and then it will be the turn of the spokespersons for the parliamentary groups.

In any case, this agenda establishes that there will not be a cross-debate between any of the participants, since only the central government has the power to respond to the presidents and the parliamentary groups in this commission.