The Spanish chef living in the United States, José Andrés, founder of the NGO World Central Kitchen (WCK), criticized this Sunday that it was Israel itself that investigated the attack in which seven aid workers from his organization died in a bombing in the Gaza Strip and has thus advocated an independent investigation.

“I’m going to say something even if it’s complicated. The investigation should be deeper and I would say that the person responsible cannot be the one who investigates himself,” he stated in an interview with the American television network ABC, in which he thanked in any case the speed with which the Israeli Armed Forces have investigated what happened.

The founder of WCK has also criticized the scope of the Israeli military offensive on the Gaza Strip. “It is no longer just about the seven men and women of World Central Kitchen who died in these unfortunate events. This has been happening for too long. It has been six months of attacks against anything that seems to move,” he noted.

For Andrés, “this does not seem like a war against terrorism.” “It no longer seems like a war to defend Israel. At this moment it seems like a war against humanity itself,” he denounced.

He has also reproached Israel for repeatedly pointing the finger at Hamas for everything that happens. “We can’t bring Hamas into the equation every time something happens,” she said.

On April 1, seven WCK workers were killed in a bombing by Israeli aircraft when their convoy was leaving a warehouse in the center of the Gaza Strip. Among the deceased are Australian, British, Palestinian, Polish and dual American and Canadian citizens.

Israel has published the results of a preliminary investigation that claims that NGO workers were mistaken for armed Hamas militiamen, even though the group had communicated their movements to Israeli authorities. The consequence has been the dismissal of two officers from the Israeli forces.