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More than 750 Family and Community Nursing professionals will participate on May 30 and 31 in the XV International Congress of the Andalusian Association of Family and Community Nursing (Asanec), which is being held in Punta Umbría (Huelva) under the motto ‘Generate health through promotion and citizen participation’.

The meeting will highlight the potential of family and community nursing for the benefit of the community, as well as the challenges faced by Andalusian healthcare professionals, among which the response to the health needs of the population in care stands out. primary care, the greater inclusion of the specialty of Family and Community Nursing, both in primary care and in participation in the designs of prevention plans, and the impact of Artificial Intelligence in the daily work of nurses.

The XV International Congress of Asanec will also delve into the inclusion of health promotion programs in the daily work of family and community health nurses and the need to promote research and training in daily clinical practice, as well as new figures in nursing: school nurses, the focus on health at its origin and not on the cause of the disease and citizen participation when implementing prevention and health promotion programs with the help of active health, among other topics.

Asanec, as a scientific society, will present a program of innovative projects that are committed to health promotion, citizen participation and family and community nursing as a way to guarantee citizen care for the benefit of the community. It is worth remembering that nurses are citizens’ access to the health system.

In the Andalusian Health Service (SAS) they carry out promotion and prevention work in the community and are in charge of executing the different programs to detect health problems early, as well as advising and accompanying when chronic diseases exist.

However, as explained by the Andalusian Association of Family and Community Nursing, the scenario in which we currently find ourselves and, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic, implies “reorienting health policies towards health promotion.” “, as established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1986 through the Ottawa Charter and which determines the Primary and Community Care Action Plan, approved by the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System in 2021 .

This implies, Asanec assures, the active participation of family and community nurses both in primary care centers and in the design and development of prevention plans. “The culture of health promotion, prevention and care must be carried out from childhood in all stages of life and at the individual, family and community level, so this requires qualified professionals trained in certain skills such as professionals specialized in Family and Community Nursing,” they have clarified.

“The objective of family and community nursing is to achieve recovery, with the highest quality of life possible, monitoring all stages of life; from birth to the end of life,” stressed the president of the Association. Andalusian Family and Community Nursing, María Dolores Ruiz.

For this reason, “the work we carry out is of great value to maintain a healthy population,” said Ruiz, who highlighted that “we not only know all the members of our reference community but also their health problems; “They prevent and promote health care and not only disease care, which directly benefits hospital care.”

In addition, it designs and implements care plans adapted to the characteristics of each person, according to their needs, with diseases in agreement with the health team such as diabetes, COPD, obesity, high blood pressure, among others. They collaborate in the training of new generations of Nursing Degree students and training specialists. They actively participate in different research projects to provide quality care based on the greatest scientific evidence.

For all these reasons, “the active participation of Family and Community Nursing in primary care is essential to guarantee quality provision and a preventive focus on people’s health, in addition to facilitating access to care by the population, reducing health costs and obtaining excellent health results”, concluded the president of Asanec.

Asanec is the Andalusian Association of Family and Community Nursing made up of nurses from all over Andalusia who, without profit, work for and for the development of the profession.

Asanec, as a scientific society, pursues the improvement of healthcare quality at the community level from the defense of public health, influencing and dialoguing with the Administrations. Among its purposes is to provide training and research in nursing practice to offer quality care to the community, as well as to collaborate with other scientific societies and associations for the better development of the profession.

Press Contact: Arancha Ruiz / 600 90 54 82