The PPdeG moves forward with “responsible optimism”, the BNG sees a favorable “fundamental movement” and the PSdeG trusts in a “comeback”


The Galician campaign reaches its midpoint marked by a variable scenario according to the polls, which give a decline to Alfonso Rueda’s PPdeG but which range from the conservation of the absolute majority – for the most part – to the possibility of a reversal to the left led by Ana Pontón’s BNG, which the CIS places on the rise, breaking all types of electoral barriers.

Meanwhile, the last days of this race to the polls will see the arrival of state leaders, among whom the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, the leader of the opposition, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and the second vice president and leader of Sumar will not fail. , Yolanda Díaz.

The popular party heads with “responsible optimism” the final stretch of a campaign marked in terms of state policy by the turn (later qualified) of its leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, in relation to a possible pardon for Carles Puigdemont and also by a final pre-election survey – that of the CIS – that places them on the verge of losing the absolute majority with a BNG that consolidates its rise as the strongest rival.

In any case, the PPdeG campaign director, Paula Prado, in statements to Europa Press, has highlighted her skepticism in relation to a survey that, in her view, is “a fraud” that only seeks to “demobilize.”

“All the others give an absolute majority and we have the best candidate,” stated the popular leader, satisfied with the campaign led by Alfonso Rueda and the powerful collaboration of Génova: both Feijóo and Mariano Rajoy have had a strong presence in Galicia with agendas parallel to that of the Galician candidate.

A campaign in which, even with the reiterated idea that the only alternative to the “stability” of the absolute majority of the PPdeG is a “left-wing multiparty” and with forces “badly aligned” with each other, the focus has shifted from the attacks on the Government of Pedro Sánchez from the first days to the continuous dialectical firing against the BNG.

With the TVG debate as a turning point, in recent days there has not been a rally in which Rueda has not charged against “the ideological totalitarianism” of the BNG, whose program he also details in each political event without forgetting to remember that they intend “the independence” and the “imposition of linguistic monolingualism”, “eliminate” the provinces or replace the Civil Guard with a “own” police force.

Where they have changed their position is in their refusal to allow Rueda to participate in other convened debates such as the one on TVE, in which Pontón and Besteiro will sit. In any case, Prado insists: the invitation to celebrate a ‘face to face’ “is still valid.” “The multiparty only has to agree on who is its representative,” he stated.

The nationalists observe a “fundamental movement” that until now they had not experienced in other electoral contests. His campaign coordinator, Rubén Cela, emphasizes how the rallies were “filled up” one after another, exceeding the BNG’s own previous expectations.

“There is extra support, the wave of sympathy towards the BNG is not limited to the usual one,” observed Rubén Cela, who has indicated that “new contingents of people” are approaching in a campaign in which, he points out, the formation nationalist “is the only one that talks about Galicia.”

From the first week, the BNG observes that the PP has “broken its strategy” and has gone on to directly attack the BNG, compared to an initial idea of ??running a “low profile” campaign and “not mobilizing” the population. “They are improvising,” he indicated, while he contrasted with the campaign of the formation led by Ana Pontón, which this Monday had one of the turning points in advance of the strategic lines and the design of what would be his government if the Galicians grant him the confidence to become president.

The BNG is, he said, in the “centrality” and the population perceives Ana Pontón as the “possible” president of a “change.” In fact, the messages of the nationalist formation, which has addressed this campaign with all sectors but has focused on young people and women, appeal to a concentration of the “vote for change” in the BNG, because next Sunday it will be decided ” between Wheel or Pontoon”.

For their part, the socialists are confident of making a “comeback” in this last week of the campaign, since, as the socialist candidate for the Presidency of the Xunta, José Ramón Gómez Besteiro, has pointed out, “the campaign is heating up “.

“Our voters are demanding and show their support in the end, unlike other political formations,” PSdeG sources tell Europa Press, who point out that voters know that in these elections “more jobs, more rights and more are also at stake.” country’s ambition”.

In this sense, the socialists will continue to combine the presentation of their Galician agenda with the weight of Galicia in Spain that they consider that only the PSOE can offer. For this, they point out that party colleagues will come to show their support in a context in which many of the investments that Galicia needs depend on Galicia.

Precisely, the president of the Government and general secretary of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, is going to focus on the end of the electoral campaign in Galicia in which the socialists try to turn the polls around to gain a majority with the nationalists of the BNG and take the Xunta from the PP, but with Besteiro as president. Sánchez will go to the city of A Coruña this Thursday, February 15, and the following day, he will participate in the closing rally in Santiago de Compostela, as confirmed by Ferraz sources.

Without representation in the Parliament of Galicia but with two deputies in Congress after last July 23, Sumar Galicia places “the engine of change in women”, a group on which this formation, together with the LGTBI, has focused a good part of what’s going on in the campaign. Furthermore, his campaign director, Paulo Carlos López, observes that the PP’s “nervousness increases” as the race to the polls progresses.

Sumar Galicia maintains that it “widens” the progressive vote and “does not hinder” change, but rather depends, maintains this formation, on the fact that there are labor deputies in the Galician Chamber in these elections who agree that they are going to be “historic” .

If the popular ones in Galicia have tried to ignore Feijóo’s turn on the pardon for Puigdemont (Rueda has not yet commented on the matter), Vox has taken advantage of it through its leader, Santiago Abascal, to charge against the “gigantic political scam ” of the popular ones and try to strengthen their options on 18F.

Party sources in Galicia, which does not have representation in Parliament or Congress in any Galician constituency, have stated that they are convinced that Vox’s presence in the Xunta “is getting closer and closer.” “Vox has a place in Galicia and this 18F the Galicians, with their vote, are going to demonstrate it.” They also defend that they are “listening and giving voice to Galicia concerned about the separatist threat of the BNG, hit by the closure and relocation of industry and companies or by the worrying depopulation in its rural areas.”