A massive demonstration called by the SOS Public Health Platform protested this Sunday in the streets of the Galician capital against the deterioration of healthcare and demanded a quality public system.

Led by the banner of the organizing platform, which set the date of the protest before the election call, the march brought together all the candidates of the left-wing parties. Specifically, Ana Pontón (BNG), José Ramón Gómez Besteiro (PSdeG), Marta Lois (Sumar) and Isabel Faraldo (Vamos Galicia) participate.

At the start, the attendees chanted slogans such as ‘menos inventions e máis investimentos’ –fewer inventions and more investments–, ‘Rueda atende, a sanidade non se vende’ –Rueda, attend, healthcare is not for sale– and ‘decent budget for public health’.

Before the start of the march, the spokesperson for the SOS Sanidade Pública platform criticized the “regrettable” situation of primary care and the “absolutely unacceptable waiting lists.” Furthermore, he has said that it is not true that these issues “have no solution”, but that political will is only necessary.

“We call on the population that if there is no change in health policy, we will have to think about changing the authors of health policies,” he said.

(There will be an extension with photo and video)