The Association of Judges for Democracy (JJpD) has warned that the defense of the Ministry of the Interior, led by Fernando Grande-Marlaska, for the return of minors to Ceuta in August 2021 “is not sustained either ethically or legally” and has demanded that the Government assume “responsibilities”.

“The defense made by the Ministry of the Interior of deportations without guarantees, attempting to justify them in the best interests of these children is neither ethically nor legally sustained,” the JJpD has warned in a statement after the Supreme Court ruling that declares the illegality of the aforementioned return of minors.

Likewise, he has criticized that the defense made by the department headed by Fernando Grande-Marlaska “contrasts with the principles of the recently approved Organic Law 8/2021 on comprehensive protection of children and adolescents against violence, which expressly includes the right of the child to be heard, to not be subjected to any form of violence, and to have his or her best interests considered primarily.

The JJpD has asserted, in this sense, that the Supreme Court ruling “calls into question immigration policies based on de facto means.” “These expulsions were carried out by de facto means and without these children having legal assistance, without informing the diplomatic delegations of the countries of origin, without social or family reports,” he criticized.

Likewise, he has warned that they were made “without listening to the minors about their situation and without arguing why in each specific case the best interest of the minor is protected through repatriation.”

Thus, he has warned that in these returns “both basic principles of international protection of children have been violated, such as the obligation to give them protection, as well as basic principles of human rights, which prohibit collective expulsions.”

For this reason, the JJpD has demanded “the assumption by the government of responsibilities and the reparation of the rights of these children.” “The culture of the border cannot prevail over the culture of human rights and the protection of children regardless of nationality,” he stated.