The Popular Party could lose its absolute majority in the next elections on February 18, in which it would reach a range of 36 to 38 seats, according to the pre-election survey carried out by the Center for Sociological Research (CIS).

The BNG would be the second force with 29.3% (20-23 seats), while the PSdeG would remain in third position with 20.4% and could have 15 to 17 seats.

Furthermore, according to CIS data, Sumar could be left out of the Galician Parliament, with 3.5% of the votes and between 0 to 2 seats. Podemos and Vox would be left without parliamentary representation and Democracia Ourensana could obtain a seat for the province of Ourense.

As for the leaders, the BNG candidate, with an average of 5.77, is the most valued; followed by the popular Alfonso Rueda, with a 5.39. Behind him is the socialist José Ramón Gómez Besteiro, with a 4.84.