On May 12, 2014, three shots ended the life of the president of the León Provincial Council and provincial president of the Popular Party of León, Isabel Carrasco, which were carried out by Montserrat González, in a plot with her daughter, Triana Martínez. , and with her friend, the Local Police agent, Raquel Gago, in a murder that convulsed the country and changed the scenario of Leonese politics.

The event took place around 5:00 p.m. on May 12, ten years ago, when Carrasco, in the middle of the electoral campaign for the European elections, was heading from his home, at the La Condesa pass in the Leonese capital, to the headquarters of the Popular Party, on the other side of the Bernesga River, through a walkway.

At that moment, Montserrat González, who had been waiting for her to leave home, went behind her and, halfway through the catwalk, shot her three times, causing her death. In her escape, González was followed by retired national police officer Pedro Mielgo, who was considered during the trial as the fundamental element in solving the crime.

The perpetrator of the shooting got rid of the weapon, a 38-caliber Taurus, which her daughter, Triana Martínez, picked up and left inside the vehicle of her friend, local police officer Raquel Gago, who at that time was “in “waiting attitude” and talking with an acquaintance, controller of the ORA service in León.

Pedro Mielgo continued following the shooter as she reported what happened to Emergency Service 112 of Castilla y León. Montserrat González and Triana Martínez were arrested at that time, while Raquel Gago, who handed over the weapon two days later, claiming that she had found it in her car, was also arrested for this crime that changed the political situation in the province of Lion.

Isabel Carrasco was a “unique character, a political animal” who “wanted to reign” in León as if she “were in the Middle Ages, in an environment that allowed her to “exercise a power that did not really belong to her” and with “complicit silence.” ” of the Popular Party of León in the face of a figure full of “arrogance and lack of sensitivity.”

This is how the journalist Javier Calvo described her in the latest book published, just two months ago, about the figure of Isabel Carrasco, in which he points out the “fear and trepidation” that the personality of this Leonese politician instilled. “She never took prisoners. She imposed her law by cutting off heads,” Calvo said in statements to Europa Press.

With control of the province from the Provincial Council of León and with control of the Popular Party of León, as well as with her influence in the party at the regional level, Isabel Carrasco earned notable enmities until on May 12, 2014, “two crazy women” such as Montserrat and her daughter Triana carried out, with the collaboration of Raquel Gago, an “almost perfect crime”, as emerged from the judicial process.

Triana Martínez had worked in the León Provincial Council. “Extremely intelligent”, according to his psychological analysis, together with excessive “dependence on his mother”, led him to articulate with her a plan to end Carrasco’s life, whom they both blamed for the difficulties they encountered in growing up. politically and socially.

Wife and daughter of the then commissioner of the National Police of Astorga, Pablo Antonio Martínez, they carried out what was planned with the help of Raquel Gago, whom the judge of the Provincial Court of León initially sentenced to five years in prison, although, in the review of the sentence by higher authorities, she was sentenced to fourteen years for collaborating, and is currently on provisional release.

Montserrat, the confessed perpetrator of the shooting, was sentenced to 22 years in prison and her daughter, Triana Martínez, to twenty years, which they are currently serving in the Asturian prison of Villabona, after having passed through the Mansilla de las Mulas penitentiary center ( León) and Villanubla (Valladolid), where they have always maintained a conflictive attitude.

The murder of Isabel Carrasco caused the end of an era in the province of León, where this Leonese politician, who began her career as a territorial delegate of the Junta who was Minister of Economy in the Junta of Castilla y León, held political power, which he exercised in an authoritarian and centralist manner.

At the head of the León Provincial Council she was replaced by the then vice president, Marcos Martínez Bazarón, who, months later, was arrested within the framework of Operation Punica, and by whom he has recently been sentenced to eight years of disqualification. After several presidents of the Popular Party, the institution has been in the hands of the PSOE for the last two terms.

In the PP of León, there have also been several presidents until the resignation of Javier Santiago Vélez in 2022, when a judicial process arose against the party, initiated by Manuel García, who was his rival in the process for the Presidency of the PP. Therefore, she is currently Ester Muñoz, national deputy secretary of Health and Education of the Popular Party.