The Andalusian Association of Family and Community Nursing (Asanec) has demanded this Thursday from the Andalusian Medical Union that it rectify its “twisting” accusations against the nursing group, in which the union has questioned the ability of nurses to play a role. key in screening consultations, assuring in the same that “it is only a matter of time before someone dies due to the lack of medical training of nursing staff.” Otherwise, the association has warned that it will be forced to take “strong measures” to put a stop to these slanders.

From Asanec they have considered that, “the resistance to the implementation of these consultations seems to focus on organizational and regulatory concerns, rather than on the competence and capacity of the nurses and they have stressed that the lack of consensus on the implementation should not cloud some positive scientific results that support the active participation of nurses in the management of primary care demand.”

The president of the Andalusian Association of Family and Community Nursing, María Dolores Ruiz, has highlighted “the relevance of nurses in reception consultations”, which has been supported by more than two decades of scientific knowledge accumulated in other countries and even in other autonomous communities of our country.

“Family and community nurses are fully trained to assess patients’ health status and make informed decisions about their care.” “These professionals have acquired the necessary skills through the Nursing Degree, specialization via EIR and the accumulated experience of years of service in primary care,” she added.

Likewise, “the published studies show a high resolution of the acute processes treated by nurses, who offer health education and health promotion activities to individuals and families, which in turn results in improved quality.” of attention,” added Ruiz.

From Asanec they have recalled that the effectiveness of nurses has been supported by a total of 18 consensual protocols designed by a multiprofessional group that includes doctors, nurses and representatives of primary care scientific societies, with the aim of addressing various health conditions, from oral thrush to minor trauma. Likewise, its application has proven to be safe and effective, without adverse events, an increase in visits to the emergency room or hospital referrals.

“To the training and practical preparation of Andalusian nurses is added the training map of the Andalusian Public System, extensive and intensive, which accredits the competencies of family and community nurses and guarantees the safety of these consultations,” Ruiz assured.

For the president of the Andalusian Association of Family and Community Nursing, “instead of generating alarm among the population, these organizations should recognize the benefits that citizens receive thanks to the work of these health professionals, as ratified by international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the OECD”.

With all of the above, the association has recognized “the importance of improving the organization and regulation of reception consultations” and, in this sense, is willing to work in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs, with the objective of ” strengthen the training of nurses and develop new protocols based on scientific evidence.”

A situation that, in the words of Asanec, “should be neither a fight nor an offense to other groups, as the Medical Union is demonstrating, generating insecurity and unnecessary alarm among the population.”

“From scientific organizations, professional associations and unions we must promote teamwork and generate trust, for the good of the health of individuals, families and the community,” they stated.

“The center of the health system has always been and will be the person and should never be the professional,” they have said from Asanec, which defends “teamwork in pursuit of improving care and quality of care” and is willing to work in a coordinated manner and in cooperation with other primary care scientific societies.

Asanec is the Andalusian Association of Family and Community Nursing made up of nurses from all over Andalusia who, without profit, work for and for the development of the profession.

Asanec, as a scientific society, pursues the improvement of healthcare quality at the community level from the defense of public health, influencing and dialoguing with the Administrations. Among its purposes is to provide training and research in nursing practice to offer quality care to the community, as well as to collaborate with other scientific societies and associations for the better development of the profession.