The Ibex 35 was trading in the mid-session on Wednesday with a fall of 0.22%, which led it to lose 10,100 points again, in a day in which Telefónica is standing out, which has increased by 4% after that the Government has commissioned the State Society of Industrial Participations (SEPI) to carry out the acquisition of up to 10% of the share capital of the Spanish operator, a decision that was known yesterday after the market closed.

The main ‘macro’ reference today is inflation in the United Kingdom, whose general rate stood at 3.9% in November, compared to 4.6% in October, which represents greater relief than expected by the consensus. of the market, which pointed to 4.4%, and represents the smallest increase in prices since September 2021. Regarding the underlying inflation rate, it moderated in November to 5.1% year-on-year from 5.7% of the previous month.

In addition, the Ministers of Economy and Finance of the European Union meet by videoconference this Wednesday in a meeting called to agree on the reform of the EU fiscal rules that, after four years frozen by the pandemic, will once again limit debt and deficit of the member states.

In this context, the Ibex 35 stood at 10,084.3 integers, with Telefónica leading the increases (4.01%) and followed by Grifols (1.88%), Cellnex (0.31%) and Repsol (0. 26%). On the other hand, Enagás fell 4.68% due to the ‘ex-dividend’ effect. Discounting this impact, its price fell 0.50%. They were followed by Indra (-1.56%), BBVA (-1.11%), Unicaja Banco (-0.83%) and Aena (-0.79%).

The main European stock markets were also trading this Wednesday with a mixed sign, with falls of 0.08% in Frankfurt and 0.36% in Milan, and increases of 0.66% in London and 0.05% in Paris.

In the raw materials market, the price of a barrel of Brent quality oil, a reference for the Old Continent, rose 1.20%, to 80.18 dollars, while Texas stood at 74.92 dollars, a 1.33% more.

In the currency market, the price of the euro against the dollar stood at 1.0955 ‘greenbacks’, while the Spanish risk premium was around 94 basis points, with the interest required on the 10-year bond at 2.923%.