The Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, has warned of the growing threat that inequality, authoritarianism and armed conflict represent for the rights and freedoms of the planet’s population in a somber speech on the occasion of the commemoration, this Sunday, the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

“The world is losing its way,” said Guterres. “Conflicts are spreading with virulence. Poverty and hunger are increasing. Inequalities are becoming deeper, climate change has become a humanitarian crisis, authoritarianism is increasing, civil space is shrinking, the media are under siege, gender equality is a distant dream and women’s reproductive rights are going backwards,” she lamented.

All of these crises threaten the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, starting with its principle: “All human beings are born free and equal in their dignity and rights,” the beginning of what Guterres described as “a roadmap to end the wars, heal divisions, and promote a life of peace and dignity for all.

“The Universal Declaration of Human Rights shows us the way to resolve tensions, to exercise common values ??and to create the security and stability that our world so longs for,” said the UN Secretary General.

In this sense, Guterres calls on UN Member States to “reinforce their commitment to the timeless values” reflected in the declaration, especially in view of the Future Summit to be held in September 2024 and in which world leaders They will discuss new social, cultural and economic guidelines to follow during the next decade.

The humanitarian chief of the United Nations, Volker Türk, has also claimed the importance of the document. “Now, more than ever, is the time for Human Rights,” he noted about a text “that is not only a historical document, but a living testimony of the humanity we share, a timeless guide.”

In the opinion of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the world is currently suffering from levels of violent conflict not seen since the end of the Second World War, with worsening inequalities, increasing discrimination and the discourse of hate, impunity, increased divisions and polarization, in addition to the climate emergency.

“This further highlights the need to take stock, learn lessons and outline together a vision for the future based on human rights. The Universal Declaration offers a promise _ that we are all born with equal rights and dignity _ and a plan for action. This act constitutes a moment of great reflection to jointly seek common solutions focused on human rights,” Türk highlighted.