The Plenary Session of Congress will debate the proposed amnesty law for those accused of the independence process on the same day as a Vox initiative with which those of Santiago Abascal intend for the Chamber to veto any possibility of the Government reaching pacts with “fugitives” from Justice like the former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont.

Next Tuesday’s plenary session will begin with the debate to take into consideration the proposed amnesty law that the socialists agreed with ERC and Junts in exchange for their support for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez.

But, in the turn of the law proposals, this matter will be discussed again because Vox has decided that the first of these initiatives that it submits for discussion in the Plenary will be, precisely, about the need to close the way to any negotiations with convicted or fleeing from Justice.

Specifically, the Vox initiative urges the Government to take all necessary measures to prevent the Government “or any authority or official” from collaborating, negotiating or agreeing “with fugitives or those convicted by Justice” in order to “promote impunity or prison advantages in exchange for political or electoral advantages”.

It also demands that a regulation of the pardon be promoted “that prohibits its application in cases of crimes committed by members of the Government of the Nation, authorities or officials in the exercise of their positions or against the criteria of the sentencing court or the victim.” .

Another of Vox’s requests is that they establish the necessary measures to “prevent actions related to negotiations or agreements of a political nature from undermining the unity of Spain, its prestige, and the solvency of its institutions, with special attention to judges and courts, as well as its international image”.

Finally, those from Santiago Abascal call on the Government to “guarantee that public funds or means will not be used under any pretext to facilitate negotiation, contact or political pact with fugitives or convicts from Justice.”