Defends the current system of electing members and once again asks the PP to fulfill its constitutional obligation

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, stated this Thursday that he will propose creating a working commission for the leader of the opposition, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, in the meeting he hopes to hold with him before the end of the year.

The objective, as indicated, is to address the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), the new regional financing and the reform of article 49 of the Constitution. Furthermore, he has defended the current system of electing members and once again asked the PP to fulfill its constitutional obligation and agree to renew the body.

The day before, Sánchez revealed that he will call Feijóo soon and hopes to meet with him before the end of this year to address these three issues, but now he has added that he wants to create this “working committee” with the PP, as he indicated in an interview in ‘Espejo Público’, collected by Europa Press.

In this sense, he points out that he considers it important that the two major parties, PSOE and PP, work “with a horizon of agreement” at the “beginning of the legislature” on the three issues mentioned above.

Regarding the position of the PP, which is skeptical about the possibility of reaching an agreement with the Executive, Sánchez has responded by pointing out the differences that in his opinion there are between the Government and the popular ones. According to him, in the two weeks that the Government has been working, it has already approved several measures such as the Parity Law, the increase in humanitarian aid to Gaza and they are negotiating the increase in the minimum wage.

In front, as he points out, are PP and Vox, which in that same period of time have called “70 demonstrations” to protest against the Executive. Sánchez thinks that “it’s going to be too long for them” and that “they are running a marathon as if it were a 100-meter race.”


In any case, Sánchez has reiterated his rejection of the PP’s latest proposal, renewing the governing body of judges while undertaking a legal reform to modify the system of electing members. And he insists that the PP must now renew the CGPJ because it is its constitutional obligation.

What’s more, Sánchez has defended the current election system by pointing out that it has been working for many years, with governments of both the PP and the PSOE. In his opinion, the PP will be able to change this system if it has a sufficient parliamentary majority to carry it out.

The day before, Sánchez already made it clear that he will not accept the imposition of prior conditions to renew the CGPJ and urged those of Alberto Núñez Feijóo to comply with the constitutional mandate.


In this sense, the President of the Government has once again pointed out that in Spain there are cases of ‘lawfare’, an expression that refers to the judicial war against political adversaries and that the PSOE agreed to include in the investiture agreement at the request of Junts.

Sánchez interprets that this expression also refers to the politicization of justice and believes that the blockade of the CGPJ by the PP, which has served five years with its expired mandate “is a textbook case of lawfare” and occurs because the ‘ popular’ “do not want to recognize the electoral result.

At this point, Sánchez has been questioned about whether it also means politicizing justice to appoint a former minister of his Government as a State Attorney General, as happened with Dolores Delgado, or to appoint another former minister such as Juan Carlos Campo as a magistrate of the Constitutional Court.


Sánchez says that he is willing to open that debate and responds by pointing out that Carlos Lesmes, who was president of the General Council of the Judiciary during the Mariano Rajoy (PP) government period, previously served as a senior official in the Ministry of Justice during the another president of the PP in La Moncloa, José María Aznar.

He has also defended himself by pointing out that, also during Rajoy’s mandate, there was a president of the Constitutional Court “who had been a member of the PP” in reference to Francisco Pérez de los Cobos.

Therefore, Sánchez considers that what is neither “acceptable nor acceptable” is that the renewal of the CGPJ is blocked “by the head of the opposition.” He has also pointed out that in the last 27 years, in which the PP has governed 15 of them and the PSOE 12, there have been 22 years “with a conservative majority” in the governing body of the judges.