Sánchez found out from the press about Sumar’s division and the PSOE already assumes that it will have to negotiate with the purple ones for the Budgets


The general secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra, called the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, to inform him of the breakup of Sumar, telling him that the legislature is not at risk because of this because her desire is for it to be stable, although she has already warned him that The way to guarantee this is to negotiate brave and ambitious measures with the party’s deputies.

At the same time, the leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, also spoke with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, who had found out from the press about the breakup, and on both sides of the coalition they show calm after the decision of the purples of move to the Mixed Group.

Podemos sources have explained that once the break with Sumar was consummated at the parliamentary level, Belarra telephoned Bolaños to inform him of the reasons for that decision to guarantee him that the legislature will continue, that they want to “do politics” and that their will is for there to be stability. on the condition that the proposals formulated by his party in the chamber be negotiated.

“Our objective has always been stability, if we had wanted instability we would have gone separately in the 23J elections instead of accepting an agreement with Sumar that is enormously unfair to Podemos,” the aforementioned sources have highlighted, to make it clear that their vision is that Only with ambitious left-wing policies can the advance of the right be stopped. Now, Podemos’s idea is to influence issues such as housing and feminism in the face of the legislature and strengthen parliamentary action alliances with ERC, BNG and Bildu.

An extreme that is confirmed by the socialist wing and even by the president himself, who in an informal conversation with journalists after the act of commemoration of the Constitution in Congress revealed that the general secretary of Podemos called the head of the Presidency to inform him of his departure from Sumar. and “put oneself in a position of stability.” A conversation that calmed him.

Sánchez, as noted in Díaz’s formation, found out from the media about the breakup in the minority partner’s coalition and spoke that same night with Díaz. After emphasizing that he has always been a supporter of the unity of progressive forces, he assumes that the PSOE will have to negotiate more with Podemos, although that does not worry him, because they share the need to advance in social rights and left-wing policies.

In the same sense, the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, has also admitted to the press that, given this new scenario, she will now have to negotiate with Podemos the future General State Budgets, just as she does with the rest of the members of the Group. Mixed. Until now the PSOE ruled it out, alleging that its agreement was with Sumar.

For their part, the purple party has insisted that the break with Sumar has been a product of a series of rudenesses, from leaving them out of the Government to not giving them parliamentary spokespersons or allowing them to intervene in plenary sessions.

However, the “straw that broke the camel’s back” was appointing Sumar’s foreign spokesman, Agustín Santos, as person in charge of yesterday’s debate in Congress on Israel and Palestine, whom they see close to the PSOE theses.

Furthermore, they refute that a consultation with the militancy was not necessary to decide whether to abandon Sumar, given that they have been consistent with the political roadmap that their bases endorsed in November and which mandates safeguarding their political autonomy.

In turn, they have highlighted that in yesterday’s meeting of their Secretariat (the purple executive) there was no intervention against leaving the discipline of the plurinational group, aware that the militancy was “very angry” and did not want to be in Sumar . They even compare that not allowing their deputies to speak in Congress sessions was like having “five Ferraris parked in the garage.”

In Podemos they emphasize, in turn, that their actions cannot be classified in any way as transfuguism, given that the party’s deputies have strictly complied with the guidelines of their leadership, also taking into account that Sumar is not a constituted political subject (not has still held its assembly) but a mere electoral coalition.

“It is a disgrace that a member of Podemos would have stayed in Sumar,” they have settled to also ensure that no deputy is going to deliver their minutes in Congress, as ‘the commons’ have demanded today in a statement. In fact, they emphasize, for example, that the party’s number three, Lilith Verstrynge, ran for the Barcelona list and not for Madrid, for example, because that was where she was relocated by Sumar.

Meanwhile, from Sumar they also appear calm, as reflected in a meeting held yesterday by the main leaders of the confluence, and there are even sectors of the coalition that recognize “relief” regarding the march of the purple ones, given that the internal noise will cease. that they have suffered since they were united with Podemos in the 23J elections. Other voices compare what happened to a divorce, where there are people more affected and others more liberated.

In any case, in the ranks of the Díaz project they criticize that the purple ones have broken a unit on the left of the PSOE that cost a lot to put together just to gain prominence and they interpret that the breakup was consummated to cover up resignations such as that of the already former coordinator of Podemos in Madrid Jesus Santos. In fact, sectors of the coalition point out that the purple ones are decomposing and that they want to overshadow their limited political representation in the communities by raising the visibility of their five deputies.

Faced with the next electoral cycle, Podemos sources point out that for the European elections in June the stage is open and that it will be the party bodies that will decide and admit that in the case of the negotiations with Sumar for an autonomous candidacy in Galicia they are ” evil”.

Under the criteria of the purples, Sumar acts by throwing balls out to delay the times and resist deploying open primaries, something that denotes that they are aware that the weight of Podemos both in Galicia and in Euskadi is “real.” In any case, they have defended that the autonomous leaderships have their autonomy and the support of the state party because they are aware that with the negotiating approach that Sumar maintains, the coalitions “do not turn out well.”

Faced with this perspective, the formation that Díaz champions defends that their brand is the engine to mobilize the progressive electorate as happened in the general elections and that they have already reached more than 3,000 registered voters, while the purple ones do not have strength.