Songs by Serrat and Aute, the intervention of people outside politics and Armengol’s speech, protagonists of the ceremony


This Thursday, Congress hosted the institutional event for Constitution Day, the first of these events in which the president of the Chamber, the socialist Francina Armengol, served as host, and in which parties representing the seventh part were missing. of the Chamber: Vox and the independence and nationalist allies of the coalition government.

The Cortes’ tribute to the Magna Carta on its 45th birthday brought together representatives of the main State institutions and deputies and senators from different parliamentary groups this Wednesday, but not all.

As in recent years, Vox has refused to participate, considering it to be a “theater” and “extreme hypocrisy” to celebrate the Constitution with Pedro Sánchez, whom it accuses of “trampling” on it daily. And the nationalist and pro-independence partners of the Government were once again missing – ERC, Junts, Bildu, BNG and even the PNV – who do not endorse the Magna Carta that was approved by a large majority in their communities in 1978.

Yes, there was presence of Sumar and Podemos, although this time the purple ones debuted their status as members of the Mixed Group of Congress, once they have broken their coalition with the platform of the second vice president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz.

There have also been regional presidents of the PP such as Isabel Díaz Ayuso from Madrid, Juanma Moreno from Andalusia, Alfonso Rueda from Galicia, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco from Castile and Leon, and Fernando López Miras from Murcia, who have entered escorting the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

Armengol, and the president of the Senate, the ‘popular’ Pedro Rollán, received the guests in the Corridor of the Palacio de la Carrera de San Jerónimo and then moved to the Hall of the Lost Steps, where the central event took place. The celebration has returned to the palace after the last few years of being organized on the steps of the Lions Gate due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The ceremony started with “Those little things” written by Joan Manuel Serrat and performed by the singer María Berasarte, accompanied by Pablo Martín Caminero on double bass.

Afterwards, a series of articles of the Constitution were read by people outside parliamentary life, starting with the president of the Spanish Youth Council, Andrea González, who read article 48 of the Constitution, relating to Youth participation.

The president of the Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities (CERMI), Luis Cayo Pérez Bueno, followed, reading article 10 (Human Rights), while María Berasarte herself read article 137 (autonomous communities) in Spanish, Catalan, Basque and Galician.

The next was Ana Bella Estévez Jiménez de los Galanes, founder of the Ana Bella Foundation to help abused women, who began by telling her experience as a “survivor” of abuse by her husband and wanted to make it clear that “there is gender violence because there are still men who perpetrate it. Her words have been responded to by applause from everyone present, and she has then read article 14 (Equality before the law), but she has done so with inclusive language, without talking about “Spaniards”, but about “people.” “.

Next it was the turn of Eva Saldaña Buenache, executive director of Greenpeace, who read article 45 (environment), which she asked to comply with. “Our lives depend on it,” she warned. The boy Pablo Ruiz Moreno, a second-grade student, has finished, boldly exposing article 39 (protection of families) and receiving the biggest ovation.

After these readings, it was the turn of the president of Congress’s speech, the second after the one delivered at the Solemn Opening was branded as partisan and sectarian by PP and Vox, who refused to applaud it. Today there has been applause, despite the fact that Armengol has not avoided controversial issues and has assigned a long list of duties to his honorable Members.

The ceremony closed with “Al Alba”, one of Luis Eduardo Aute’s hits, composed in protest against the latest executions of the Franco regime, again performed with the very personal voice of María Berasarte.

Before the central event in Congress, the solemn raising of the National Flag had been held at the Senate headquarters, thus opening the celebration to the Upper House, whose role was secondary until now in the Constitution Day events. Vox was present at this event.