The leader of Podemos, Ione Belarra, has criticized the fact that the anniversary of the Constitution is celebrated “with great fanfare” in Congress when many of its deputies “normalize” non-compliance with the social articles of the Magna Carta.

This was stated to the media moments after attending the commemorative event of the constitutional text in the Lower House, where he called it a “very serious error and a tremendous democratic problem” to assume the lack of compliance with various provisions of the Constitution.

Specifically, he has cited the failure to comply with the right of access to decent housing while allowing “speculation by vulture funds and banks” in this field.

“It seems to us that it is also a first-order problem that the article that says that all the wealth of our country must be subordinated to the general interest is violated, while large companies in our country are openly allowed to earn millionaire profits in these years. economically so difficult for the families of our country,” he launched.

Therefore, Belarra has proclaimed that Podemos will continue working to ensure that the entire Constitution is “strictly” complied with, especially those more social articles.