The Russian president conditions dialogue with the West on the end of the “policy of aggression and pressure”

The Russian Government resigns en bloc in the face of a possible renewal


The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, formally began this Tuesday what is now his fifth term, in which he has promised to work for the “security” and “unity” of the country, satisfied with the “colossal force” that , as he has declared, has granted him the majority support of the citizens in elections that were questioned, however, from the Western orbit.

Putin, 71, won the mid-March elections, in a scenario marked by the absence of notable opposition rivals. Thanks to the latest constitutional reform, he will be able to continue governing until 2036: another two terms of six years each that have just started.

A solemn ceremony in the Kremlin has marked the beginning of this new stage and Putin has taken the opportunity to repeat some of his main discursive lines, without entering on this occasion into specific issues such as the military offensive that began on Ukraine more than two years ago. .

The president has warned that the world is going through “serious challenges”, but has stressed that Moscow will continue to put “national interests” first in order to defend “historic objectives.” “I am sure that we will go through this difficult historical period with dignity,” he emphasized.

“I will do everything necessary to justify the trust,” added Putin, who has shown himself willing to use “all the powers” at his disposal as head of state. In this sense, he has called to face the future “with confidence.”

Putin has taken advantage of his speech to show himself “open” to maintaining “good relations” with other countries, as long as they are governments that see Russia “as a reliable and honest partner.” He considers that there is a “majority” of countries within this group.

“We do not reject dialogue with Western States,” Putin added, proposing international relations “without arrogance” and on “equal conditions.” In his opinion, it is up to these countries to choose between “slowing down Russia’s development, continuing with its policy of aggression and pressure” or, instead, “seeking a path towards cooperation and peace.”

Moments after the ceremony, the Prime Minister, Mijail Mishushtin, signed the decree by which the entire Government resigns, which opens the door to a possible renewal of the cabinet which, in any case, depends entirely on Putin.

The current Government has been operating for more than four years and Kremlin spokesman Dimitri Peskov has acknowledged in statements to the media that it is possible that Putin will reveal the name of the prime minister this Tuesday. The Duma is already scheduled to approve the appointment on Friday, according to the Interfax news agency.