The Government spokesperson, Patrícia Plaja, has announced that the state of emergency due to drought in the Ter-Llobregat system, which supplies Barcelona and its area and Girona and its surroundings, has been lifted, as well as “part” of the restrictions that have been imposed. imposed the last 3 months, due to the increase in the production of regenerated water and the recent rains.

He said this at a press conference this Tuesday after the meeting of the Interdepartmental Drought Commission, in which he stated that the increase in water reserves in Catalonia’s reservoirs allows the restrictions to be modified downwards, although he insisted that ” the drought is not over.”

For his part, the Minister of Climate Action of the Generalitat, David Mascort, has defended the Government’s management of the drought: “We did not improvise, if someone says that we improvised it is because they have never managed a drought of this magnitude.”