Madrid, November 13, 2023.

PWACS advises new municipal corporations, offering a clear vision of their objectives, the necessary changes and the resources required

The town councils throughout Spain have 4 years ahead of them to launch the development of their municipal management. For this, it is essential to know how to identify the needs and opportunities of each municipality, as well as define the actions and resources necessary during the mandate. After 100 days of the legislature, the different corporations have identified the current state of their different councils and marked the priorities and strategic lines of your mandate: now comes the time to define efficient action plans. Good advice is the key to successfully achieving your goals. This is where the work carried out by companies specialized in municipal management such as PWACS, the consulting firm with a long history of providing technical, economic and legal support to municipalities in their strategic planning, becomes relevant. What action plans can be implemented? In general, the Public Administration may make a plan where it foresees that the regulations will act throughout the duration of its mandate, as in these cases: Municipal budgets. Within the budgetary framework, the general lines of the budgets will be established. If the regulations are going to modify any municipal or fiscal ordinance, or actions are going to be carried out that require the approval of said regulations. Contract planning, both for contracts that are expected to expire and for those that must be put out to tender. PWACS has been working for years with more than 600 contracts with Public Administrations, advising on the bidding processes for public service and municipal management contracts, from preliminary studies to the completion of all the technical documentation ready for municipal supervision, thus saving time of work to the Administration. European Funds such as Next Generation or FEDER Funds, which play a fundamental role in municipal management by offering financial resources and opportunities for the development of local projects. An example of this is the possibility of accessing different programs and calls for subsidies and loans at preferential rates. These are resources that can be allocated to infrastructure, the environment, renewable energy, tourism, education, culture or employment, and that municipalities are sometimes unaware of their existence. Key funds in public management because, according to PWACS, “they allow municipalities to carry out projects that would otherwise be difficult to finance, either due to budgetary limitations or the need for additional resources to address specific challenges.” Control quality of public services. Fundamental in services such as water, waste collection, street cleaning or cleaning of parks and gardens, which require supervision and control by the council to ensure compliance with the contract and guarantee the quality of the service. The PWACS team of professionals supervises and defines quality indicators that guarantee good execution of services and measure citizen satisfaction. As a differential value, they use their own technology, developed by experts from these public services, and which allows them to have a global vision at a technical, operational and strategic level of the service.Submitted by Sheridan Comunicación

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