The rallies against the amnesty law in front of the PSOE headquarters in Ferraz have continued this Sunday for the tenth night amidst a strong police force that has once again cut off traffic on the central street. About 1,200 people have attended the protest, according to sources from the Government Delegation; lower tracking compared to previous days.

After the demonstration called by the Popular Party in Puerta del Sol in Madrid, a large group of people, including the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, and other leaders of the party, have gone to Ferraz to continue with the protests for the pacts of the PSOE with the Catalan independentists. About 8,000 protesters moved to the socialist headquarters at noon, the Delegation reported.

During the afternoon, other attendees have also arrived in Ferraz to keep the protest alive. The National Police has shielded the PSOE headquarters with fences and a large device to guarantee security, as has been customary for ten days. The protesters went to the place earlier than on other days.

Around 7:00 p.m., the influx of protesters began to increase on Ferraz Street, forcing traffic to be cut off on Marqués de Urquijo, in a peaceful environment and without relevant violent acts.

Between Spanish flags – some with the shield cut out – and Carlists, insults and shouts have been heard directed against the President of the Government (‘Sánchez, you thug, you are an ETA’, ‘Madrid will be the tomb of Sanchismo’); King Felipe VI; the former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont, who was sent to prison; and also against the general coordinator of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi.

However, around 9:00 p.m., the number of people who arrived at Ferraz grew and the most radical took the first positions in the protest, while the shouts against the PSOE leader increased and homophobic and homophobic insults were hurled. racists (‘In Madrid not even a fucking MENA’, ‘The Spanish first’, ‘Let Mohamed vote for you’). Proclamations were also heard in favor of José Antonio Primo de Rivera and against the media (‘Manipulator Spanish Press’). Another group prayed the rosary in the street and asked that the Virgin Mary “intercede for Spain.”

The tenth night of protests in Ferraz has once again experienced moments of tension once the most radical hooded attendees have positioned themselves in the front row, in front of the fences that protected access to the PSOE headquarters, and have thrown bottles and other objects at the agents of the Police Intervention Units (UIP), known as riot police.

As is usual in the ten days of protests, around 10:00 p.m. the atmosphere of the concentration has heated up, although, in general, the protest has been calmer than on previous occasions.

Subsequently, the riot police began to disperse through Ferraz and Marqués de Urquijo, but a small group remained in the area, some with fascist greetings and proclamations, while they challenged with their eyes the police officers who were in position prior to charging. ‘I paid for that shield’ or ‘On October 1 I defended you’ were other chants they shouted addressing the Police.

Shortly before midnight, attendees dispersed through the surrounding streets and the protest ended, without any notable incidents.

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