Gamarra says that it is a PP call to which “any Spaniards who want can join, regardless of who they voted for.”


The PP has distributed the leadership of the party to their respective constituencies in the face of the “peaceful” and “civic” protests against the amnesty that the party has called for next Sunday in all the capitals of Spain and that will be “open” to all Spaniards .

While the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will attend the Puerta del Sol protest in Madrid, where he is a deputy, along with the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, the other members of the PP will do so in the provinces for the who obtained their seat in the last general elections on July 23.

Thus, the general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, will be at the Logroño mobilization; the general coordinator, Elías Bendodo, in Malaga; and the Deputy Secretary of Institutional Affairs, Esteban González Pons, in Valencia, according to party sources told Europa Press.

For his part, the deputy secretary of Territorial Organization of the PP, Miguel Tellado, will participate in the protest in A Coruña; the head of Culture and Open Society, Borja Sémper, will be in Madrid; the vice-secretary of Social Policies and Demographic Challenge, Carmen Fúnez, will do so in Ciudad Real; and the Deputy Secretary of Economy, Juan Bravo, in Seville.

Finally, the PP Deputy Secretary of Studies, Carmen Navarro, will attend the Albacete rally; the spokesperson for the Popular Group in the Senate, Javier Arenas, will be in Seville; and the GPP spokesperson in the European Parliament, Dolors Montserrat, will do so in Brussels, the same sources have added.

The ‘barons’ of the PP will also join these protests in their territories and are mobilizing the PP officials to make the call a success. Thus, the president of Aragon, Jorge Azcón, today invited the Aragonese to participate “peacefully” in the demonstrations called by the ‘popular’ in Zaragoza, Teruel and Huesca against the amnesty. “The PP wants to invite the people of Huesca, the people of Zaragoza and the people of Teruel to say enough is enough with Pedro Sánchez,” he proclaimed.

The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, has assured that the PP calls on Spaniards to mobilize against the amnesty but “within the democratic framework and in a peaceful manner”, encouraging them to support the PP protests on the 12th in the squares of the capitals of all of Spain.

When asked if there will be unity of action with Vox, given that that party is also calling for demonstrations, Gamarra has admitted that it is “a call from the PP”, in which “he will not be alone” because these protests “are open to that all Spaniards who want can join them, regardless of who they voted for.

“But the call has been promoted by the Popular Party, which invites all Spaniards who want to join this concentration, which will be a way to raise our voices, to do it in a peaceful way,” he added, to underline that the PP He also wants to fight this battle in the streets and channel social unrest.

Furthermore, Gamarra has made a call – in an interview on Telemadrid that has been collected by Europa Press – for the mobilization that will be held on November 18 in Madrid, in the Plaza de Cibeles, and that has been called by society associations. civil.

The leader of the PP has denounced that the PSOE is sitting down with the independentists to “negotiate impunity” for events that occurred in Catalonia, so that “they are not judged”, “they are not condemned” and are “forgotten and forgiven”. “And this is absolutely serious and this is the hypocrisy that we also want to denounce,” he stated, adding that the use of violence that took place after the ‘procés’ ruling “has no place in the framework of our democracy.” .

Feijóo’s ‘number two’ has indicated that the Amnesty Law aims to obtain “seven votes” from Junts that Pedro Sánchez needs to be sworn in as president and now the discussion lies in which people can benefit from that rule. “And there will always be more, because in the face of Pedro Sánchez’s weakness, what these pro-independence parties do is take advantage of it,” he stated.