The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has defended that the PP is the “constitutional alternative” to the PSOE because “changing votes due to impunity is corruption and because buying the presidency of the government of Spain with citizens’ money is corruption.”

Núñez Feijóo has carried out these demonstrations in Vitoria, where he is attending the 16th Extraordinary Congress of the Basque PP, which is taking place under the motto ‘Looking to the future/Aurrera begira’ and in which more than 400 delegates gather who have elected Javier de Andrés new president of the Basque PP, replacing Carlos Iturgaiz.

In his speech, the leader of the Popular Party indicated that they are a “constitutional alternative” to the PSOE that “has abandoned the Constitution”, and has stopped “defending the equality of citizens.”

“Now it turns out that he is dedicated to granting privileges to the independence supporters. He is dedicated to forgiving corruption crimes, to letting criminals draft the Penal Code and for the criminals’ lawyers to draft amnesty laws,” he criticized.

In his opinion, the PSOE is dedicated “to creating a series of political castes that can commit crimes, that can corrupt”, that can use the money that belongs to everyone and that nothing happens to them simply because they need a handful of votes to reach the government after losing the elections.

For this reason, he has insisted that the Popular Party represents the constitutional alternative to the PSOE because “changing votes due to impunity is corruption and because buying the presidency of the government of Spain with citizens’ money is corruption.”

Feijóo has stated that he is “repulsed” that “public money is used to obtain the presidency of the government” and that “the corrupt are pardoned.” “It disgusts me that they reduce the penalties for misappropriation of public funds and that they reward those who have wasted the most with better financing,” he added.

(There will be an extension)