He descended from the musician and co-founder of the Catalan Orfeó Lluís Millet

BARCELONA, 16 (EUROPA PRESS) – The former president of the Palau de la Música Fèlix Millet (Barcelona, ??1935), who died on Wednesday at the age of 87, was a Catalan businessman who presided over the Fundació Orfeó Català-Palau de la Música Catalana from 1990 to 2009, the year in which he resigned after confessing to the diversion of 2.29 million euros of funds from the institution.

Descendant of the musician and co-founder of the Orfeó Lluís Millet (1867-1941) and son of the businessman Fèlix Millet i Maristany (1903-1967), in 1978 he was elected president of the Orfeó, from where he undertook the restoration of the Palau, then in a state of deterioration considerable.

In 1983, with this objective, he launched the Palau de la Música Consortium, formed by the Generalitat, the Barcelona City Council and the Barcelona Provincial Council, to which the Ministry of Culture joined in 2001, and in 1990 the Orfeó Català Foundation was created and an expansion of the Palace was promoted from 1999 to 2004.

He held positions in around thirty institutions and entities, being president of Agrupació Mútua and its foundation, of the real estate agency AMCI Habitat, of Bankpime, vice-president of the Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu, member of the board of trustees of the Fundació Conservatori del Palau, vice-president of the Fundació FC Barcelona or patron of the Spanish Association of Foundations, and received numerous awards, but many charges and awards were withdrawn after the case.

The trial for the embezzlement of Fundació Orfeó Català-Palau de la Música Catalana, known as the ‘Millet case’ or ‘Palau case’, began on March 1, 2017 after accumulating a summary of more than 60,000 pages.

After a four and a half month trial for the embezzlement of the Palau, in 2017 he was sentenced to nine years and eight months in prison for four different crimes of embezzlement and misappropriation, influence peddling, money laundering and crime against Public Treasury.

The sentence also included a fine of 4.1 million euros and the obligation to return 23 million euros jointly with the rest of the sentenced to the Palau structures: until November 2022, the Barcelona Court has recovered 12 of those 23 million.

The ruling, which the Supreme Court confirmed in 2020 making it final, led to his entry into the Brians 1 prison (Sant Esteve Sesrovires, Barcelona) in June 2020, where he voluntarily entered the last day of the period he had to do so.

Before entering prison, he requested pardon, citing his age and illness as an impediment to entering prison, but the Government ruled out pardoning him or his former number two Jordi Montull.


Once in jail, he requested the third degree, appealing to his age and state of health, but the prison supervision judge rejected it until the end of October 2022, and then granted it for “incurable disease”, an option that provides for the prison regulations for prisoners with very serious illnesses regardless of other variables.

Millet thus achieved semi-freedom but continued to be admitted to the Terrassa Penitentiary Hospital (Barcelona) until January 2023, when he was transferred to a residence with medical assistance chosen by his family.