The General Export Price Index of industrial products registered a year-on-year decrease of 2.1% last September, moderating by five tenths the drop recorded in August, as reported this Monday by the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

With the decline in September, the export prices of industrial products have had six consecutive months of declines after they went negative in April after 27 months of year-on-year increases.

Regarding import prices of industrial products, they decreased by 8.1% year-on-year in September, moderating the decline in August by almost 1.5 points.

The year-on-year fall in September was due to the behavior of the prices of intermediate goods (-5%) and that of non-durable consumer goods, which cut their year-on-year rate by half a point, to 4.6%.

On the other hand, energy raised its interannual rate nine points, to 29.5%, due to the increase in the cost of oil refining.

Excluding energy, the annual rate of the general export index remained at 0.1% in September, two points higher than that of the general index.

Regarding import prices of industrial products, they decreased by 8.1% year-on-year, almost one and a half points higher than the August rate.

With the decrease in September, import prices are experiencing their seventh consecutive month of negative year-on-year rates.

All sectors influenced this evolution, specifically, energy raised its interannual rate almost five and a half points, to -30.9%, due to the fact that the extraction of crude oil and natural gas increased its prices.

Non-durable consumer goods also contributed to the decline in import prices of industrial products, with an annual rate of -1.1%.

Excluding energy, import prices of industrial products registered an annual variation rate of -1.4% in September, more than six and a half points above the general rate of import prices.


In monthly terms (September over August), the prices of exports of industrial products rose 0.7% compared to the previous month.

This rebound was motivated, among other factors, by the increase in the prices of energy and non-durable consumer goods by 10% and 0.2%, respectively. On the other hand, intermediate goods reduced their prices by 0.1% in the month.

For their part, import prices increased by 1% in September compared to the previous month.

This evolution was influenced by energy and non-durable consumer goods, with monthly increases of 5.5% and 0.5%, motivated by the higher cost of coke plants and oil refining and the food industry, respectively.