The meeting, organized by the Official College of Librarians and Documentaries of the Valencian Community, brings together 300 archive and documentary management professionals from all over Spain. The generation of data and digital objects is multiplying exponentially. “The number of documents that the administration generates in a year is incalculable”

Valencia, October 27, 2023.- Valencia has been the epicenter of new ideas on documentary valuation that will take information processing into the 21st century. More than 300 archiving and document management professionals have gathered at the VALORA Conference in a meeting with the greatest experts in the field. The digital tsunami in which society lives has exponentially multiplied the generation of data and digital objects. In fact, the number of documents that the administration generates in a year is incalculable. As an example, the Intermediate Archive of the Generalitat Valenciana has received, since its birth in 2019, just under one million one hundred and seventy thousand documents (1,169,720). Documentary valuation equals transparency The main function of archives is not to store documents, but guarantee its use, make the information available to citizens, but having the necessary information requires eliminating useless and redundant information. The excess of information combined with the digitization of the administration makes it necessary, now more than ever, to update the concept of documentary assessment and provide tools that facilitate it. This is why one of the main objectives of the experts during the day has been to work to establish the necessary methodologies that expedite the documentary assessment processes. “It is a day of training, transmission of ideas and co-participation to try to unite even more support and proposals and optimize efforts,” said Merche Rojas, member of the Governing Board of the Official College of Librarians and Documentaries of the Comunitat Valenciana, organizer of the event. As for the final objective, it is about bringing document management into the 21st century to make documentary collections and information available to citizens as an exercise in transparency and accountability of governments. For her part, the president of the COBDCV, Yolanda Puchades, has emphasized “our firm commitment to creating and strengthening lines of collaborative work with other entities, as in this case joining the VALORA Community, to make visible and influence the value of our profession, as well as research and work on innovative and transferable methodologies to facilitate the performance of our work.”Among other experts, it is worth highlighting the intervention of Joaquim Llansó, director of the Archives and Documentary Heritage Service of the General Directorate of Culture of the government of Navarra; Pedro Penteado, director of Serviços de Arquivística e Normalização · DGLAB (Portugal) and Luis Hernández Olivera, professor at the University of Archivistics of the University of Salamanca and member of the Archives Council of Castilla y León. During the inauguration, Sergio Arlandis, general director of Culture of the First Vice Presidency and the Department of Culture and Sports, was also present. VALORA The VALORA Community of Practice is a professional project that tries to optimize efforts and provide tools that facilitate documentary evaluation such as one of the crucial tasks in the current scenario of explosion of digital documentation and information. Promoted and led by the Association of Archivists of Andalusia, it was created in February 2021 and now includes professionals from practically all the Autonomous Communities.

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