The proximity of All Saints’ Day makes this a good time to learn about the latest data and trends in the Spanish funeral sector from Interfunerarias, among which the fact that religious celebrations continue to be the majority in our country stands out. (they constitute 88%) compared to secular funerals

Madrid, October 27, 2023.- Below is the state of the funeral sector and the changes that are occurring in it. Likewise, the network of funeral homes present throughout Spain informs about the trends that are gradually being consolidated in a field that, to this day, continues to be very relevant at a national level. Especially when a date as important as November 1 is so close. Without a doubt, one of the data that stands out the most from Interfunerarias is the one that has to do with the number of secular and religious funerals that are celebrated annually in Spain. Not only is it a fact that religious funerals continue to be clearly imposed on secular ones, but their popularity has grown slightly in recent years. Thus, while in 2019 they accounted for 82% of the celebrations, in 2021 they were 88%. More burials than cremations It is also striking that, despite the increase in cremations in recent times, burials continue to be the preferred option . Specifically, this is what 248,193 families chose in 2021 (representing 55.07% of the total), compared to the 202,494 deceased who were cremated (44.93%), although Interfunerarias remembers that there are great differences depending on the province in which the service is provided. In Ávila and Valladolid, for example, cremation is an option only for 30% of families, in Madrid the figure rises to 59% and in Málaga it reaches a surprising 78%. Regarding the average age of death of the Spanish population, is also a fact that stands out. In Spain, that of men is 80.2 years, while that of women reaches 85.8 years. All Saints’ Day In a country where there are currently 487 crematoriums, 2,525 funeral homes and 17,682 cemeteries, figures that remain stable over time, the celebration of All Saints enjoys unwavering popularity. A good example of this is that during the days leading up to November 1, probably driven by the tradition and solemnity of this date, interest in flowers for cemeteries grows a lot, increasing by up to 900%.The difficult challenge of digitalization in the funeral sector Finally, digitalization of the funeral sector is one of the most growing trends. In this sense, those responsible for Interfunerarias assure that digital transformation is here to stay. Online wills, smart contracts or augmented reality to create much more emotional and moving farewells are just some of the examples that are already beginning to be used. Now, at Interfunerarias they remember that technological advances should not be an impediment to continuing to care until the end of the day. last detail in the attention and care of families. That continues and must always continue to be the priority for the entire sector. Issuer: Interfunerarias

Contact Contact name: Sara Revilla Contact description: Interfunerarias Contact phone: 915242424