487 victims report their case to Gabilondo, who criticizes the Church and public powers and asks for a state fund to pay compensation

0.6% of the Spanish population over 18 years of age, that is, some 236,000 people, have suffered sexual abuse in the Church by a priest or religious, according to a GAD3 survey commissioned by the Ombudsman, Ángel Gabilondo. , for the Report on sexual abuse in the field of the Catholic Church and the role of public powers, which was commissioned a year and a half ago by the Congress of Deputies, and which was delivered this Friday to the president of the Lower House, Francina Armengol.

In total, 1.13% of those surveyed claim that the attack was recorded in the religious sphere, which would raise the figure to around 445,000 people, taking into account that in Spain there are 39,415,017 people aged 18 and over, according to the latest available INE data provided to Europa Press.

The population survey, commissioned by the Ombudsman following the Administration’s bidding process, includes a significant methodological and numerical sample of the Spanish population (8,013 people) based on anonymized data collected by the Victims Care Unit of the institution.

This reveals, among other data, that 11.7% of those interviewed claim to have suffered sexual abuse before turning 18, that is, 4.6 million people, 3.36% of them in the family environment. , that is, 1.3 million people. On the other hand, 72% of those surveyed consider that child sexual abuse is a very serious social problem and 24.4% consider it quite serious; and the majority think that adequate measures are not being taken to address the problem.

Furthermore, the report reveals that a total of 487 victims, 87% of them men, have reported sexual abuse within the Church to the victim care unit of the commission created by the Ombudsman. In addition to direct testimonies, they have taken into account other sources from official organizations, the Church and the investigation of the newspaper El País.

Likewise, the Ombudsman has held meetings with victims’ associations, more than 80 meetings with the president and general secretaries of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE), with the president of the Spanish Conference of Religious (CONFER) or with the dean of the Tribunal de la Rota, among others.

Throughout its 777 pages, the Ombudsman’s Report, titled ‘A Necessary Response’, points out that the response of the Catholic Church, at least at the official level, has been characterized “for a long time” by “denial”, ” minimization” or “concealment” of the problem and denounces that the victims have even suffered “pressure” from their representatives in which they were “blamed.”

However, it also recognizes “good practices” and “the institutional courage of those who have chosen to assume the responsibility that corresponds to the institution for the victimization produced.”

On the other hand, it criticizes that public powers lacked “adequate procedures” to prevent, detect and react to the commission of sexual abuse of minors in Catholic Church schools in the past and points out that until 2021 no mechanisms were introduced. in all public or private educational centers. The majority of cases that have been reported, according to him, despite being a small part of the problem, have not found a response from the judicial system.


The Report proposes twenty recommendations, among them, holding a public act of recognition and symbolic reparation to the victims for the prolonged period of neglect and inactivity, particularly between 1970 and 2020.

Likewise, it proposes the creation of a state fund for the payment of compensation in favor of victims and that a special administrative body be the one to establish a procedure for the recognition and reparation of victims of child sexual assault or abuse within the Church. Catholic.

Furthermore, it suggests that the Catholic Church should provide the necessary means to help victims of sexual abuse in the recovery process, offering treatment to victims or family members; and that the dioceses and institutes of consecrated life open their archives.

In the press conference following the delivery of the report, the Ombudsman asked that this matter not become a “trompe l’oeil” to “get entangled” in “other fruitless debates.” For this reason, it has “expressly” addressed the Congress of Deputies, the Government and the Church so that they assume what it means and adopt the measures in order to provide a necessary response to them.

Gabilondo has expressed that “it is necessary to respond to a situation of suffering that for years has been covered by an unfair silence”, and has specified that “it is not true that everyone knew it” but “it is not true that no one knew it.”

Regarding the report, Gabilondo has clarified that the objective was not to “get to know a specific and conclusive amount” and has warned that “trying to make an estimate would mean overlooking” the “absolute respect for the will of the victims” and the “voluntary silence of many”; and “ignore” those who have disappeared.

The study, as indicated by the Ombudsman, reveals the “devastating impact” of abuse and points out that in many cases the response has been “insufficient” and “dilatory”, certain behaviors predominating for years such as the “transfer” of the abusers. “repeatedly, not occasionally.”

However, he pointed out that this report is not intended to be “a last word” or “a final point” but rather “aspires to contribute to raising awareness.”


At the moment, as Gabilondo has indicated, they have not delivered the report to the Catholic Church but he has specified that next Monday, the Spanish Episcopal Conference has called an extraordinary meeting to analyze the document and that the bishops invited him to attend to present it. Although, he has explained that he will not be able to attend due to a family matter, although he does not rule out presenting it to him at another time.

Regarding the collaboration during the preparation of the report, the Ombudsman has said that “I would be lying if I said that no one has collaborated” but also “I would be lying if I said that there has been extraordinary collaboration.” In any case, he considers that “the Church has become aware that the greatest scandal would be not to collaborate.”

Although he acknowledged that it was “late” to prepare this report, Gabilondo defended the result and the “technically impeccable” GAD3 survey, despite using a smaller sample than that used in the report on abuse in the French Church. Well, as he explained, if they had doubled or tripled the number of respondents, the result “would not have been different.”

Now, with the data on the table, as he said, “it is the time for Congress, for the Church, for the Government” who now “have enough data to give a concrete response.”

Regarding the Church, Gabilondo considers it “essential” and “inevitable” that it “collaborate financially” in the state fund for the reparation of victims. He also believes that the Church should be present at the public event that takes place.

Although the Ombudsman’s intention was to present the report to the deputies who commissioned its preparation, he has explained that he could not do so due to the dissolution of the Cortes as a result of the call for early elections, but he says that the debate is not “evaded” and He has already conveyed to the president of Congress his desire to present the results.