The Workers’ Union Union (USO) indicated this Thursday that job creation in Spain is moving towards a country that is increasingly “tertiarized” and with “precarious” jobs.

This is how USO has reacted to the EPA data for the third quarter, which shows that unemployment has risen by 92,700 people, to 2,855,200. This represents, according to the union, a figure of unemployed higher than that registered by the SEPE by around 130,000 people.

Furthermore, he highlighted that unemployment is “chronic in more and more cases”, since 15,400 people have been unemployed for more than a year, while households with all their members unemployed are also growing, 12,800, reaching almost one million.

Regarding job creation, USO has shown its concern that it be concentrated in the services sector, with 682,400 of these jobs, 95%, while in industry employment has only increased by 15,200 people.

“This means that the country continues to outsource and that the lessons of Covid are not being taken advantage of to reindustrialize and digitalize us,” lamented the general secretary of USO, Joaquín Pérez.

Finally, the union has also been concerned about the temporary employment rate, which has only dropped 0.07 points since the previous quarter. “Where are the hundreds of thousands of permanent contracts that are signed? If each permanent contract were truly a job, we should already be facing a temporary employment rate that tends to 0,” Pérez indicated.