The Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain (FCJE) has conveyed to the acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, its concern about “the greatest escalation of anti-Semitism in Spain in recent times” as a result of the war between Israel and Hamas, and this has committed to maintaining security, as sources close to the meeting have told Europa Press.

This was made clear this Monday, October 23, in a meeting at the La Moncloa complex, called by the President of the Government, in which the Minister of the Presidency, Relations with the Cortes and Democratic Memory was also present, and that has lasted for about 45 minutes.

During the meeting, the president of the FCJE, Isaac Benzaquén, told them that these are “very worrying moments with the greatest escalation of anti-Semitism in Spain in recent times.”

According to the FCJE in a statement, “the demonstrations against Israel, the burning of Israeli flags, the proclamations calling Israel a murderer, genocidal and author of a planned ethical cleansing, as Minister Ione Belarra has reiterated on several occasions, have inflamed tempers.” against the Spanish Jewish community” in cities such as “Melilla, Barcelona and Madrid, among others”.

In this sense, Benzaquén has asked Sánchez to “continue maintaining and reinforcing” the Government’s commitment to the security and protection of the Jewish communities, and cooperation with them.

The FCJE points out that, as a consequence of the “anti-Israel and anti-Jewish climate that some political, media and social sectors have generated”, some synagogues and community centers have closed, schools are specially protected and “many people prefer not to display themselves with Jewish symbols before the fear of being attacked.”

According to what sources close to the meeting have told Europa Press, it took place in a “cordial and very close” atmosphere and Pedro Sánchez has committed to “maintaining security and cooperation” in Spain after the events that occurred and to “increase frequency of meetings” with the Jewish community. In a tweet after the meeting, Sánchez highlighted that “the Spanish society is an open and tolerant society and that makes it stronger.”

Regarding the war between Israel and Hamas, after the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel on October 7, Sánchez has reiterated Israel’s right to defend itself and the need for Hamas to release the hostages without conditions; and the Jews have asked “that the Government’s voice be clear and firm”, according to the sources consulted by Europa Press.