Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger has accused expected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of politically “resurrecting” former President Donald Trump, but is confident he can be charged based on the special commission’s findings. about the assault on the Capitol, because if it is not, the message will be given that “there are no limits” to the actions of a president.

“If this is not a crime, I don’t know what is. If a president can incite an insurrection and not be held accountable, then there are really no limits to what a president can do or not do,” he said in an interview for the CNN.

Kinzinger, one of the two Republicans along with Liz Cheney present in this House of Representatives committee that investigated what happened during the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, has assured that he fears for “the future” of the United States if Trump He is not guilty of any crime for that riot.

“I think the Department of Justice will do the right thing. I think they will charge him, and frankly I think they should. If he is not guilty of any crime, then I honestly fear for the future of this country,” he said.

Last month, this commission presented its final report after more than a year of investigation in which it was recommended that Trump be accused of at least four charges for his alleged responsibility in those riots, those of obstruction of an official process, defrauding the United States States, issuing false statements and aiding the insurrection, and even that of conspiracy and sedition.

Given the criticism he has received from his party for his opposition to Trump and for participating in that commission, Kinzinger, who did not run for re-election in these midterm elections, has assured that he feels “honored” to have participated in this moment in history and “of having done the right thing”.

In turn, he has accused the new Republican leader in the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, of having politically “resurrected” Trump and has warned that his party cannot aspire to be “the future” of the United States if it does not correct the drift for which he is letting himself be carried away.

“Donald Trump is alive today politically thanks to Kevin McCarthy. He went to Mar-a-Lago a couple of weeks after January 6 and brought Donald Trump back to life. He is the reason Donald Trump is still a factor,” he said. valued.

With Republicans in the House holding only a narrow majority, McCarthy, historically unpopular compared to other party leaders, is having a hard time securing the votes he needs to be elected as the new speaker on Tuesday.

Republicans won just 222 seats after the midterm elections, far worse results than they had anticipated, leaving McCarthy little room for error in reaching the 218 votes he needs. He can only lose the support of four Republicans, and it seems that the number of those who are not sure, in the best of cases, if they will vote for him, seems to be greater.