The Ukrainian Prosecutor’s Office on Monday charged two Russian Army soldiers deployed in the country in the framework of the Russian invasion of the territory for killing a civilian during the seizure of the city of Gostomel, in the kyiv region.

Thus, both will be tried for violating the law and committing “intentional homicide”, according to the Ukrainian Penal Code. The kyiv Prosecutor’s Office has indicated in its Telegram account that the actions carried out by the two soldiers took place after the Russian forces established a temporary military post in a shelter in the area.

In addition, they put pressure on the local population to unload and move Russian ammunition. The victim, a Gostomel resident, refused to carry out such activities and was consequently “killed” at the hands of the Russian military, according to reports from the Ukrinform news agency.

So far, at least twelve members of the Russian military have been sentenced in Ukraine for committing war crimes since the invasion began in February 2022.