The balance of fatalities as a result of the collision of a Russian Su-34 military aircraft against a residential building in the Yeisk region, in southwestern Russia.

“The rescue teams have completed the removal of debris. During the search and rescue operations, the bodies of ten dead were found. Therefore, the total number of fatalities is 13 people, including three children. In addition, 19 people were injured as a result of the incident,” said a spokesman for the Ministry of Health.

On the other hand, rescuers have found more than 60 people alive. “Thanks to the professional, competent and quick actions of the fire and rescue units, 68 people were rescued during the search and rescue operation,” the spokesman added.

About twenty ambulances from the Yeisk, Scherbinovskaya and Starominskaya hospitals and six medicalized air vehicles were transferred to the scene, according to the deputy governor of Krasnodar, Anna Minkova.

In addition, eight surgical, four trauma and five resuscitation teams were activated. Two operating theaters were also set up in the maternity ward and one in the gynecology and oncology units.

On the night of October 17, a fighter jet collided in a residential area of ​​Yeisk. The Ministry of Defense indicated that the cause of the incident was the failure of one of the aircraft’s engines shortly after taking off on a training flight. These same sources pointed out that the crew has managed to eject on time.