This measure is part of the fiscal policy of the new CCAA of the PP for this course, where many will also reduce personal income tax.


The new regional governments of the PP in the Balearic Islands, La Rioja, the Valencian Community and the Canary Islands will apply various fiscal measures in their territories, such as the total bonus for the Inheritance and Donation Tax, while in Aragon and Cantabria they have opted to reduce this tax.

These new regional Executives of the PP that came out of 28M have followed in this way other regional governments, such as those of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, Juanma Moreno and Fernando López Miras, and have decided to end the Inheritance and Donation Tax in advance of several measures fiscals for the next course.

In this context, the president of the Valencian Community, Carlos Mazón, who governs with Vox in the region, assured during his investiture debate that the tax reduction will mark his mandate, starting with eliminating the Inheritance and Donation Tax.

The new Balearic president, Marga Prohens, has also already announced that she will give a 100% reduction in the Inheritance and Donation Tax for parents to children, grandparents to grandchildren and between spouses, and has reduced the Property Transfer Tax for the purchase of first homes for young people and people with disabilities.

The Government of La Rioja will also do so, with the ‘popular’ Gonzalo Capellán at the helm, which has eliminated the Inheritance and Donation Tax between parents and children and spouses, something that has been anticipated to be a first step in the tax reforms that it will attempt. undertake this legislature.

In the case of the Canary Islands, where CC and PP govern, tax reductions have also been applied, which include the bonus of the Inheritance and Donation Tax and the reduction of the fuel tax on the green islands.

For his part, the president of Aragon, Jorge Azcón, who also shares the regional government with Vox, announced in his investiture debate that he also plans to reduce the Inheritance and Donation Tax, as well as a deflation of personal income tax.

Regarding personal income tax, the last to join this measure has been the president of Extremadura, María Guardiola, who has already approved the reduction of this tax, in addition to another reduction in Rate 0 for new self-employed workers.

In the case of another ‘popular’ president, that of Cantabria, María José Sainz de Buruaga, has not yet specified what fiscal measures she will propose, but she has announced that next week she will announce her tax reform for 2023, which will mean “the largest tax reduction in the history of Cantabria”, since all of them will be reduced, including Inheritance and Donations.

These new PP communities have followed the path opened just a year ago by other regional governments, also from the PSOE, which applied several tax cuts, especially in personal income tax, in the context of the inflationary crisis derived from the war in Ukraine.

At that time, in addition to several PP Executives, the socialist ‘barons’ Ximo Puig, who at that time led the Valencian Community, and Emiliano García Page, in Castilla-La Mancha, also decided to apply tax reductions.

However, the president of Asturias, Adrián Barbón, who revalidated his position after 28M, has recently wanted to defend the “Asturian fiscal route” against this tax reduction in the autonomous communities of the PP.