Belarra “proposes” that “We can maintain the Equality portfolio in the next coalition government, in the hands of Irene Montero”


Podemos spokesperson, Isa Serra, has insisted that Irene Montero must repeat as Minister of Equality in a possible future coalition government led by the PSOE, although she has specified that it is a “fundamental proposal” but not a condition.

“We are not talking about red lines,” he clarified in statements to the media before a Podemos meeting with militants in Madrid.

Serra has avoided commenting on what Podemos’s response would be if Montero is not included in a future Government led by Pedro Sánchez and has stressed that they are waiting to “hear the response” of the PSOE. “We hope they respond favorably,” she noted.

A few weeks ago, Podemos set out, in an event to establish its new roadmap, its requirements for an investiture of the acting president, which would come from a government agreement between the PSOE and Sumar, which includes Podemos.

In this sense, Serra has reiterated that the need for Montero to repeat his position will allow him to “continue advancing in feminist rights.” “When we go to Europe we see the recognition there is for progress in equality,” she defended, insisting that Montero “has managed to put Spain at the forefront of the rights of all women.”

In this context, he has regretted the recent sexist murders and has highlighted the need to continue advancing policies to confront this violence in a country “in which there are permanent denialist speeches by the right and the extreme right.”

This morning, the general secretary of Podemos and acting minister of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, Ione Belarra, stated that her proposal is that the Equality portfolio continues in the hands of Irene Montero.

“We propose that Podemos maintain the Equality portfolio in the next coalition Government, in the hands of Irene Montero, so that our country continues to be an international reference in women’s and LGTBI rights. The best brand in Spain,” he wrote online social