The new president of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), María José García-Pelayo, has asked to stay away from “quarrels” and has assured that during her mandate she will not give up “not even a second of dialogue and seeking consensus.”

This was stated by the mayor of Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) in her speech after being named the new president of the FEMP at the end of the entity’s XIII Plenary Session, a tense event in which the PSOE has challenged the election process by considering that the PP “has failed to comply with the organization’s statutes in the candidates presented.”

García Pelayo, who has thus assumed the position that the mayor of Vigo, the socialist Abel Caballero, had been holding until now, “deeply” regretted the end of the assembly and recalled that what citizens expect is “understanding” between the mayors .

“I assure you that whatever happens I will make an effort to ensure there is understanding. I will not give up dialogue for a second, nor a second to seek consensus,” he stressed in this regard, to thank the former president of the FEMP for “the time that he has dedicated to municipalism”.

Likewise, García Pelayo wanted to dedicate a few words to the neighbors “of each and every one of the towns of Spain”, to whom he stated that the organization “will defend the freedom, unity and equality of all Spaniards” at the same time as “closeness, proximity, warmth, attention, respect and affection.”

In this sense, he has highlighted the responsibility of mayors and provincial presidents within the framework of the Constitution and its values, and has claimed Cádiz as the cradle of Spanish constitutionalism. Thus, he has asked that the spirit that he united the men and women who “fought for ‘La Pepa’ to be born and grow in the 1978 Constitution,” “never be broken.”

García Pelayo has also congratulated the participants this Saturday in the different debate tables and has promised them that he will assume their conclusions “with responsibility” because “they reflect the ambition of the Spanish people.”

Likewise, he has expressed that he hopes to have “all the Administrations” to carry out his work and has specified that “whoever does well for municipalism will be applauded.”

“Just as we are going to study, analyze, assume responsibility, I assure you that we are going to be fair and that we are going to be balanced in our decisions and in our pronouncements,” he added, to indicate that based on “all the good” of The previous Governing Board of the FEMP is going to work so that there is “even more light.”

The new Governing Board of the organization has been configured in the XIII Plenary Session with the mayor of A Coruña, Inés Rey García (PSOE), as first vice president, and with the mayor of Santander, Gemma Igual Ortiz (PP), as second vice president.

The mayor of Valencia, María José Catalá; that of Zaragoza, Natalia Chueca; the mayor of Albacete, Manuel Serrano; that of Badalona, ??Xavier García Albiol; that of Cáceres, Rafael Mateos; that of Córdoba, José María Bellido; that of Logroño, Conrado Escobar; that of Móstoles, Manuel Bautista; that of Murcia, José Ballesta; the president of the Provincial Council of Palencia, Ángeles Armisen, and the mayor of Palma de Mallorca, Jaime Martínez, as well as the mayor of Vedra, Carlos Martínez, are also part, as members, of the new Government Board with a majority of the PP as the winner of the May 28 elections.

The same is completed by the mayor of Vitoria, Maider Etxebarria García; that of Palencia, Miriam Ándres; the mayor of Fuenlabrada, Francisco Javier Ayala Ortega; the president of the Provincial Council of Jaén, Francisco Reyes Martínez; the mayor of Mislata, Carlos Fernández Bielsa; that of Mataró, David Bote; that of Corbíns, Jordi Verdú; the mayor of Avilés, María Virtudes Monteserín Rodríguez, the mayor of Rivas-Vaciamadrid, Aída Castillejo Parrilla, and the president of the Diputación de Girona, Miguel Noguer.