The former president of the Government Felipe González has expressed his rejection of a hypothetical amnesty for the Catalan independentists prosecuted in the ‘procès’ because, in his opinion, it is neither constitutional nor politically acceptable. On the contrary, he considers it blackmail by minorities in danger of extinction.

“The more they lose, the more they blackmail,” he launched, emphasizing the loss of support at the polls for the pro-independence parties in the last electoral elections, while calling for this not to be allowed. “We cannot allow ourselves to be blackmailed by anyone, least of all by minorities in danger of extinction,” she added.

González has forcefully expressed his opposition to the granting of an amnesty in an event alongside the former vice president of the Government and former vice secretary general of the PSOE, Alfonso Guerra, the first time that both historic leaders shared the stage in 30 years.

Furthermore, he has stressed that there is no possibility of carrying out “any serious reform” in Spain if it is not through an agreement between PSOE and PP and he has shown himself in favor of it, for example, to undertake a reform of the Senate, as he has mentioned.

He has also harshly attacked the acting second vice president and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, although without expressly naming her, by refusing to let her give lessons on how to do politics when she has never won an election and even lost seats.

In this sense, he has criticized his recent visit to the former president of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont, who fled from Spanish justice in Belgium, stating that “he is not worthy.” “Whoever does it cannot represent us,” he concluded.