The ECB chief overseer of Malta to calls for stricter compliance with the anti money laundering directives, while the Bitcoin exchange Bittrex will have moved their European headquarters from the “Blockchain Island” to Liechtenstein. There Bittrex expected a progressive regulation: The Liechtenstein Parliament has launched its Blockchain-law on the way. Meanwhile, the Investment founded companies in the Japan Association for the control of Security Token Offerings. The regulatory-ECHO.

By Christopher clover
On 7. October 2019 BTC$7.888,35 -0.83% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail Japan: financial business STO-Association

Six major Japanese brokerage firms have the Foundation of Japan’s Security Token Offering Association (Japan STO Association) announced. The Association would like to develop guidelines for Security Token Offerings (STO). In Japan, the crypto should regulate the sector in a certain frame itself.

Malta: ECB chief overseer stricter regulation

The Chairman of the ECB Supervisory Board Andrea Enria calls criticising the methods of the Maltese authorities to control the financial transactions of their banks. Enrias objection follows the sharp criticism that emerges from the two weeks ago, a report published by Moneyval. In it, the Committee of experts of the Council of Europe to combat Financial crimes has condemned Malta for failure to adequately combat financial crime and the authorities asked for measures to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism are increasingly applied.

a breakthrough in Crypto Country: Liechtenstein adopted the Blockchain Act

of Liechtenstein has adopted a comprehensive legal basis for the crypto industry. The Blockchain-the law creates, especially in the area of the Token Economy and Tokenization more legal clarity. So, the official name of the Blockchain-act tokens, and VT service provider is act, short TVTG. It is expected to enter into effect in 2020.

payment method for crypto-currencies to take are introduced according to Maduro soon in Venezuela

The Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced that the Venezuelan government crypto-currencies as “a method for national and international payments”. The Central Bank is now studying whether it can regulate the payments with crypto-currencies.

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the Chairman of The Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank (ECB), Andrea Enria, the authorities called on Malta, to monitor their banks more stringent. Since the closure of the Maltese Bank of Pilate and the arrest of its leaders in the past year, the Maltese authorities are under special observation. The ECB chief overseer shows himself confident, however, that the island state is failing to fulfil the requirements.

Goodbye Malta, hi Liechtenstein: Bitcoin-brokers Bittrex announces “Bittrex Global” to

Bittrex their European head office moved to Liechtenstein. The Bitcoin exchange wants to start the new Trading platform, “Bittrex Global”. The Release of the platform is targeted for late October 2019. The Maltese platform is closed Bittrex International.

Uzbekistan: Bitcoin miners threatens drastic electricity price increase

The Central Asian state of Uzbekistan announces drastic tax increases as a tool against excessive crypto-Mining. The measures rely on the increased power consumption and the miners with a new tax to prove. The charges will grow by 300 per cent, which the government in Uzbekistan is extremely lax crypto-restricts laws. Observers fear a negative effect on the economy.


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